Naegleria Fowleri


Exceptional value for money
Rapid detection of all clinically relevant subtypes
Positive copy number standard curve for quantification
Highly specific detection profile
High priming efficiency
Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
Sensitive to < 100 copies of target Accurate controls to confirm findings



Naegleria fowleri also known as the “brain eating amoeba” is a bacteria-eating amoeba that can potentially be pathogenic. It can cause naegleriasis, a sudden and severe brain infection.

The Primerdesign genesig Kit for Naegleria fowleri (N.fowleri) genomes is designed for the in vitro quantification of N.fowleri genomes. The kit is designed to have a broad detection profile. Specifically, the primers represent 100% homology with over 95% of the NCBI database reference sequences available at the time of design.

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