Exceptional value for money
Rapid detection of all clinically relevant subtypes
Positive copy number standard curve for quantification
Highly specific detection profile
High priming efficiency
Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
Sensitive to < 100 copies of target
Accurate controls to confirm findings
Naegleria fowleri also known as the “brain eating amoeba” is a bacteria-eating amoeba that can potentially be pathogenic. It can cause naegleriasis, a sudden and severe brain infection.
The Primerdesign genesig Kit for Naegleria fowleri (N.fowleri) genomes is designed for the in vitro quantification of N.fowleri genomes. The kit is designed to have a broad detection profile. Specifically, the primers represent 100% homology with over 95% of the NCBI database reference sequences available at the time of design.
Norgen’s EXTRAClean Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Kits provide a fast, reliable, reproducible, and simple procedure for isolating circulating RNA and exosomal RNA from various urine inputs ranging from 250 μL and up to 30 mL. The purified RNA is of the highest integrity, and can be used in a number of downstream applications including real-time PCR, reverse transcription PCR, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extensions, and expression array assays.
EXTRAClean Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Mini Kit: For sample volumes ranging from 250 μL to 2 mL
EXTRAClean Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Midi Kit: For sample volumes ranging from 2mL to 10mL. The first column will handle the large volume input of urine that is followed by a concentration on a mini column for a final elution of 50 μL to 100 μL
EXTRAClean Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Maxi Kit: For sample volumes ranging from 10 mL to 30 mL. The first column will handle the large volume input of urine that is followed by a concentration on a mini column for a final elution of 50 μL to 100 μL.
All sizes, including miRNA and small RNA (< 200 nt)
Average Yields ¥
Variable depending on specimen
¥Please check page 6 of the protocol for average urine yields and common RNA quantification methods.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These kits are stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. It is recommended to warm Lysis Buffer A for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed.
Bis-propargyl-PEG10 is reactive with azide-bearing compounds or biomolecules in copper catalyzed Click Chemistry. By introducing PEG units into the molecule, the solubility of the compound in aqueous environment can be improved. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Bis-propargyl-PEG10 is reactive with azide-bearing compounds or biomolecules in copper catalyzed Click Chemistry. By introducing PEG units into the molecule, the solubility of the compound in aqueous environment can be improved. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platforms)
Product Info
Product Info
The ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platform) was developed for the construction of high quality ChIP-Seq libraries using 5 ng to 400 ng of ChIP DNA as input. The kit is compatible with ChIP DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods and physical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.).
ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit Workflow
ChIP-Seq is the combination of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) with next generation sequencing. It is a powerful tool for the analysis of global transcription factors and other proteins in diseases and biological pathways, and characterization of histone modifications in a genome-wide level at single-base resolution. ChIP-Seq delivers whole genome level of functional profiling of global transcription factors, and provides better understanding of epigenetic modifications.
Three index types are available for the ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit of the illumina platform:
Non-index (Cat.# 30032): Libraries do not have index.
Index (Cat.# 30034): Each index primer contains a unique 6-base index sequence can be used for identification. 48 samples can be pooled together. Index information can be downloaded here.
Unique dual index (Cat.# 30036): The ChIP-Seq library multiplexing for 96 samples is possible. Our unique 4-Base Difference Index System have 8 bases index length and at least 4 bases are different from each other for better library identification. Our unique dual indexing primers remove sequencing errors such as index hopping, index contamination, mis-assignment, and other errors. Index information can be downloaded here.
Indexes are available for the MGI platform kits (Cat.# 34034).
Kit advantages:
Super fast protocol
Library prep can be done in 1.5 hours
The hands-on time is only around 10 minutes
Easy procedure
Ready-to-use master mix simplified the procedure
Less reaction components make it easy to setup reactions
Reduced more than half of the beads cost
Input ChIP DNA: From 5 ng to 400 ng
Comparison of library conversion efficiency under the same condition. Input DNA amounts are 5 ng and 30 ng. BioDynami ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (Cat.# 30034) was used.
Comparison of aligned reads, aligned rate and duplication rate. Input DNA amounts are 5 ng and 30 ng. BioDynami ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (Cat.# 30034) was used.
Data comparison: Input DNA amounts are 5 ng and 30 ng. BioDynami ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (Cat.# 30034) was used. Sequencing peak regions are shown.
The ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platform) was developed for the construction of high quality ChIP-Seq libraries using 5 ng to 400 ng of ChIP DNA as input. The kit is compatible with ChIP DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods and physical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.).