African swine fever virus


Exceptional value for money
Rapid detection of all clinically relevant subtypes
Positive copy number standard curve for quantification
Highly specific detection profile
High priming efficiency
Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
Sensitive to < 100 copies of target Accurate controls to confirm findings



African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) is a widespread disease which infects members of the pig family(Suidae). Anumberoftick species are believed to be the vector for the disease,as well as being transmitted by raw pork and pig excrement [1]. After firstly being identified in Kenya in 1921, ASFV became endemic in sub-Saharan Africa, with regular outbreaks being reported across Europe, Asia and South America throughout the century [2]. More recently the virus was introduced in Georgia and spread throughout the region, as well as mass outbreaks occurring in China in 2018 [3].
ASFVistheonlymemberoftheAsfaridaefamily.ItisalargeenvelopeddoublestrandedDNA virus of icosahedral morphology with an average diameter of 200nm and isolates contain genomes between 170-190Kbp encoding for up to 167 open reading frames [2]. The morphology of ASFV consist of several concentric domains. An inner core contains the nucleoid coated with a thick protein layered core shell, which is surrounded by an inner lipid envelope , all of which is encompassed by the capsid [2]. ASFV begins its replication cycle in the nucleus of infected cells before moving to the cytoplasm where the majority of the replication takes place [2]. Gene transcription is highly regulated, with distinct classes of mRNA identified to accumulate at early, intermediate and late transcripts of the virus [2]. The disease induces acute haemorrhagic disease within its hosts, causing high fevers and skin haemorrhages, with death often occurring within ten days of clinical symptoms appearing [4].

References: 1: The Centre for Food Security and Public Health (2015), African Swine Fever. 2: Galindo, I. and Alonso, C., 2017. African swine fever virus: a review. Viruses, 9(5), p.103. 3: Zhou, X., Li, N., Luo, Y., Liu, Y., Miao, F., Chen, T., Zhang, S., Cao, P., Li, X., Tian, K. and Qiu, H.J., 2018. Emergence of African swine fever in China, 2018. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 65(6), pp.1482-1484. 4: Gallardo, C., Ademun, A.R., Nieto, R., Nantima, N., Arias, M., Martín, E., Pelayo, V. and Bishop, R.P., 2011. Genotyping of African swine fever virus (ASFV) isolates associated with disease outbreaks in Uganda in 2007. African Journal of biotechnology, 10(17), pp.3488-3497.

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