14 Month Validity Isothermal Amplification Kit NFO Keep Away From Light Keep Away From Light
Product Description
Product Detail
Kit Storage and term of Validity
Storage term: stored at ≤-20℃,keep away from light, avoid heavy weight and repeated freezing and thawing.
Term of Validity: 14 months
Isothermal nucleic acid Principle Summary
The kit is based on room and constant temperature nucleic acid rapid amplification technology, its principle is that at room and constant temperature, the recombinase and primer form a protein/single-stranded nucleotide complex Rec/ssDNA, and invade the double-stranded DNA template with the help of auxiliary proteins and single-stranded binding protein SSB; then form a D-loop region at the invasion point and start to scan the DNA duplex, after finding the target region complementary to the primer and disintegration of the complex Rec/ssDNA, the polymerase also binds to the 3′ end of the primer to start the chain extension. The kit relies on the role of NFO enzyme and adds the designed specific molecular probes according to the template, and get the result by colloidal gold technology (sandwich method).
Technical Parameters:
Product Name
DNA Isothermal Amplification Kit NFO
Storage Temperature
Kit Components
Enzymes, Buffers ,Reagents
48 Tests/box
Detection Limit
Test Time
Isothermal nucleic acid Product Features
1/ High sensitivity and specificity, short reaction time.
2/ The reagent form is freeze-dried, stable and easy to operate.
3/ The reaction can be operated by metal bath and water bath pot without purchasing expensive PCR apparatus.
Isothermal nucleic acid Applications
Suitable for DNA isothermal rapid amplification kit(NFO type)
Primer: Require pair of nucleotide primers with the length of 25-35 bp.
DNA basic kit reaction temperature is 39 to 42℃ and time is 5-20 minutes.
1/ Please avoid nucleic acid contamination and set blank control during reaction due to the high sensitivity of the kit.
2/ Please take out the required quantity of MIRA reaction units for the experiment, and put the rest under storage conditions when performing the experiment.
Other Products
Methylation Specific Bisulfite Seq Library Prep Kit
Product Info
Product Info
Bisulfite seq is a well know technology to detect DNA methylation and several technologies such as WGBS, RRBS, MeDIP-Seq, and MSBS are used for whole genome DNA methylation analysis. DNA methylation is important for regulation of cell development, differentiation and gene expression in molecular biology, genetics and epigenetics. Most methylated cytosines are found at CpG sites, and 70-80% of cytosines are methylated. The number of CpG sites in human genome is around 28 million, which is less than 1% of the genome compared with 4.4% expected.
Whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) is the most effective method of DNA methylation analysis. The only limitation is the sequencing cost is very high because the whole genome is sequenced including all the non-methylated regions.
Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) is the reduced representation of a smaller fraction of the methylated CpG sites. RRBS combines restriction enzyme digestion and bisulfite sequencing, and enriches the sequencing for methylated CpG sites. It is an efficient technology for estimate the whole genome methylation patterns at the single base level. Although this allows a higher coverage depth and reduces the sequencing cost, the limitation is only 10% of the methylated CpG sites are covered.
Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (MeDIP-Seq) is another whole genome enrichment technique used for selection of methylated DNA. Using antibodies against 5-methylcytosine, methylated DNA is enriched from whole genomic DNA via immunoprecipitation. 5-methylcytosine antibodies are incubated with fragmented genomic DNA and precipitated, followed by DNA purification and sequencing. There are several drawbacks of MeDIP-Seq: 1. Low resolution (150~200 bp) as opposed to the single base resolution; 2. Non-specific interaction due to antibody specificity and selectivity. 3. Bias towards hypermethylated regions.
The Methylation Specific Bisulfite Seq (MSBS) Library Prep Kit (illumina platform) was developed for construction of NGS libraries for methylated CpG sites using bisulfite treated DNA (20 ng – 500 ng) as input. The kit enriches methylated CpG regions, thus significantly reduce the sequencing cost. The kit estimates the whole genome methylation patterns at the single base level since it is based on a bisulfite-seq technology.
It is known that bisulfite treatment of completed NGS libraries causes tremendous damage to the libraries. By using bisulfite treated DNA as input, the kit overcomes the significant library loss due to the bisulfite conversion. The kit contains a mixture of PCR polymerases that have high-fidelity amplification and uracil tolerance which is ideal for bisulfite treated DNA.
Methylation Specific Bisulfite Seq Library Prep Kit Workflow
Three index types are available for the kit:
Non-index (Cat.# 30101): Libraries do not have index.
Index (Cat.# 30102): Each primer contains a unique barcode sequence of 6 bases to identify the individual library. Library multiplexing capacity is up to 48 samples. Index information can be downloaded here.
Unique dual index (Cat.# 30103): The multiplexing of bisulfite sequencing library is up to 96 samples with unique dual indexes. We used a Four-Base Difference Index System to generate indexes that have at least 4 bases different from each other in the 8-base index. The index primers remove NGS errors including index cross-contamination, index hopping, reads mis-assignment etc. Index information can be downloaded here.
Methylation Specific Bisulfite Seq advantages
Enrichment of methylated CpG sites
Single-base resolution
Low cost for sequencing
Total time: 1.5 hours
Hands-on time: 10 minutes
Simple workflow
Bisulfite treated DNA as input: From 20 ng to 500 ng
MSBS Library Prep Kit enriches CpG sites
High methylation regions and low methylation regions in human genome.
High methylation region in human genome.
Low methylation region in human genome.
Sequencing setting: Single-end 35 cycles (Read 1, 35 bases) recommended To maximize the methylated CpG enrichment, we recommend to sequence the MSBS libraries with single end 35 cycles (read1, 35 bases). This is because the enriched methylated CpG sites are mainly located around the beginning of read 1 sequences. Shorter single end reads tend to have better methylated CpG enrichment.
Bisulfite seq is a well know technology to detect DNA methylation and several technologies such as WGBS, RRBS, MeDIP-Seq, and MSBS are used for whole genome DNA methylation analysis. DNA methylation is important for regulation of cell development, differentiation and gene expression in molecular biology, genetics and epigenetics. Most methylated cytosines are found at CpG sites, and 70-80% of cytosines are methylated. The number of CpG sites in human genome is around 28 million, which is less than 1% of the genome compared with 4.4% expected.
Everything you need to run a trial PACE® allele-specific PCR Genotyping Reaction on your existing lab equipment. Each PACE Trial Kit includes Test DNA samples, PACE Genotyping Assays, PACE Master Mix and a comprehensive PACE Genotyping Trial Kit Manual.
Anyone who wants to try PACE genotyping reagents in their lab for the first time with a set of validated DNA samples, SNP assays and PACE Master Mix.
Step 1. Dispense each of the three trial DNA samples (DNA 1, 2 and 3) plus water (No Template Control) in triplicate onto a PCR plate using the suggested volumes.
Step 2. Combine appropriate volumes of PACE Genotyping Master Mix with PACE Genotyping Assay in a tube, as directed, then mix.
Step 3. Dispense the combined mixtures into each of the wells containing DNA using volumes indicated. Each test now contains a complete PACE Genotyping Reaction.
Step 4. Seal your PCR plate with an optically clear seal and centrifuge to ensure all components are at the bottom of the wells.
Step 5.Thermally cycle the reaction plate using the thermal cycling conditions provided.
Step 6. Read the plate and compare data produced with the expected results provided in the manual. Simple!
More information on the PACE genotyping chemistry and how it works can be found here: www.3crbio.com/#pace. PACE allele-specific PCR is used for the detection of SNPs, Indels and other sequence variants.
qPCR machine or Thermocycler + Fluorescent plate reader
PCR plate or equivalent and appropriate optically clear seal
Purification and enrichment of intact urinary exosomes for functional studies
Isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias.
Versatile urine input volumes
No phenol extractions, Proteinase K treatment, nor carrier RNA required
No time-consuming ultracentrifugation, filtration nor special syringes are required
No precipitation reagents nor overnight incubation required
Compatible with urine from most species
Pure exosomes are purified and are free from any other RNA-binding proteins
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin
The purified RNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including Small RNA Sequencing. Find out more information on Norgen’s NGS services
Norgen’s Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Kits constitute all-in-one systems for the purification of exosomes and the subsequent isolation of exosomal RNA from different urine sample volumes. The purification is based on spin column chromatography that employs Norgen’s proprietary resin. These kits are designed to isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias. These kits provide a clear advantage over other available kits in that they do not require any special instrumentation, protein precipitation reagents, extension tubes, phenol/chloroform or protease treatments. Moreover, the kit allows the user to elute into a flexible elution volume ranging from 50 µL to 100 µL. The purified RNA is free from any protein-bound circulating RNA and of the highest integrity. The purified RNA can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time PCR, reverse transcription PCR, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension, and expression array assays.
Urine Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Mini Kit
For sample volumes ranging from 250 µL to 1 mL.
Urine Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Midi Kit
For sample volumes ranging from 2 mL to 10 mL.
Urine Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Maxi Kit
All sizes, including miRNA and small RNA (< 200 nt)
Elution Volume
50-100 μL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications
35 – 40 minutes
Average Yields*
Variable depending on specimen
*Please check page 4 of the product insert for the average yields and the common RNA quantification methods.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. It is recommended to warm Lysis Buffer A for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed.
Important Note Urine samples stored at -70°C, -20°C or at 4°C will develop some precipitation due to the aggregation of some of the highly abundant proteins in urine. Eliminating these precipitates using centrifugation or filtration may cause the loss of exosomes. Furthermore, these precipitates may affect the quality of the purified nucleic acid. We recommend the use of Norgen’s Urine Preservative when collecting urine samples, which is designed for the preservation of nucleic acids and proteins in fresh urine samples at ambient temperatures. The components of the Urine Preservative allow samples to be stored for over 2 years at room temperature with no detected degradation of urine DNA, RNA or proteins. Norgen’s Urine Preservative is available as a liquid format in Norgen’s Urine Preservative Single Dose Ampules, as well as in a dried format in Norgen’s Urine Collection and Preservation Tubes.