- No need for staining and destaining of denaturing gels since Norgen’s loading buffer contains ethidium bromide
- Highly stable
- Nine bands from 200 bases to 4000 bases
- Convenient lyophilized format provides better product stability
The Norgen 1 kb RNA Ladder is a set of RNA transcripts derived from recombinant DNA templates. This ladder is suitable for precise sizing of a wide range of RNA molecules using native or denaturing agarose gels, and can be visualized under UV.
• 2 vials of lyophilized RNA ladder (25 loads each)
• 1x loading buffer: 33.3% formamide, 11.7% formaldehyde, 0.012% bromophenol blue, 0.05mM EDTA, 0.012% ethidium bromide, and 0.7x MOPS solution
• 2x loading buffer
Supporting Data
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• Nine discrete bands, ranging from 200 to 4,000 bases
• Higher intensity band at 1,000 bases for easy reference
• 2 vials of lyophilized RNA ladder (25 loads each)
• 1x loading buffer: 33.3% formamide, 11.7% formaldehyde, 0.012% bromophenol blue, 0.05mM EDTA, 0.012% ethidium bromide, and 0.7x MOPS solution
• 2x loading buffer
To reconstitute the lyophilized RNA ladder, add 250 µL of 1x loading buffer to each 25 loads vial and vortex gently.
Heat at 80°C for 10 minutes. Incubate on ice for 1 min. Load 10 µL on a 1-2% gel. For optimal results, use Norgen 2x loading buffer with each RNA sample. No need for staining and destaining of denaturing gels since Norgen’s loading buffer contains ethidium bromide.