Blood DNA Isolation Kits




  • High yield and high purity DNA ready for any application
  • Available in a variety of formats to properly suit your needs
  • Compatible with blood collected on a variety of commercially available tubes

These kits allow for the isolation of DNA from the blood of various species, including humans and will recover genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA, viral DNA and bacterial DNA. The purified DNA is of excellent quality and yield and completely compatible with any downstream application including PCR, qPCR and genotyping.

Blood DNA Isolation Mini Kit

Norgen’s Blood DNA Isolation Mini Kit is designed for the rapid preparation of DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood using a rapid spin column protocol. Preparation time for a single sample is less than 30 minutes and each kit contains sufficient materials for 50 preparations.

Blood DNA Isolation Midi Kit

Norgen’s Blood DNA Isolation Kit is designed for the rapid spin column preparation of DNA from 0.3 to 2 mL volumes of whole blood. Preparation time for a single sample is less than 30 minutes, and each kit contains sufficient materials for 20 preparations.

Blood DNA Isolation Maxi Kit

This kit is designed for the rapid preparation of DNA from 3 mL up to 10 mL of whole blood. Preparation time for a single sample is less than 30 minutes.

Blood DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (High Throughput)

This kit provides a rapid method for the high-throughput isolation of DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood. Fast and easy processing using either a vacuum manifold or centrifugation.

Blood DNA Isolation Kit (Magnetic Bead System)

Norgen’s Blood DNA Isolation Kit (Magnetic Bead System) is designed for the rapid preparation of genomic DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood from various species, including human. Purification is based on magnetic beads as the separation matrix. Norgen’s magnetic beads bind DNA under optimized salt concentrations and releases the bound DNA under low salt and slightly alkali conditions. The genomic DNA is preferentially purified from other cellular proteinaceous components. Typical yields of genomic DNA will vary depending on the cell density of the blood sample. The purified genomic DNA is fully digestible with all restriction enzymes tested, and is completely compatible with downstream applications including real-time PCR, NGS and microarray analysis.

Blood DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (High Throughput Magnetic Bead System)

96-well format for high throughput applications. Purification with the 96-well plates can be integrated with a robotic automation system.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 19


Figure 1. The difference of Ct values obtained from a Taqman qPCR reaction performed on DNA isolated from blood collected on Citrate, EDTA, and Heparin anticoagulants
Figure 1. The difference of Ct values obtained from a Taqman qPCR reaction performed on DNA isolated from blood collected on Citrate, EDTA, and Heparin anticoagulants
Figure 2. Resolution of DNA isolated from buffy coats using Norgen's Blood Genomic DNA Isolation Mini Kit
Figure 3. The difference in Ct values between DNA isolated using Norgen's Blood Genomic DNA Isolation Mini Kit (Norgen), Competitor A's DNA Blood Mini Kit (A), Competitor B's Blood Kit (B), and Competitor B's Dx Blood (B Dx), in a Taqman qPCR reaction
Figure 4. The difference in yield isolated from different volumes of blood using Norgen's vs Qiagen's kit.
Figure 5. High Yields of DNA
Figure 6.  High Quality DNA
Figure 7. High Yields of DNA Isolated from 20 µL to 200 µL of Whole Blood
Figure 8. Purified DNA Can be Amplified in a Real-time PCR (TaqMan) Reaction
Figure 9. Purified DNA Can be Amplified in a Real-time PCR (TaqMan) Reaction
Figure 10. High Yields of DNA Isolated from 2 mL of Whole Blood
Figure 11. Purified DNA Can be Amplified in a Real-time PCR (TaqMan) Reaction
Figure 12. Purified DNA Can be Amplified in a Real-time PCR (TaqMan) Reaction
Figure 13. High Yields of DNA Isolated from 200 µL of Whole Blood
Figure 14. Purified DNA Can be Amplified in a Real-time PCR (TaqMan) Reaction
Figure 15. DNA Isolated from Blood Preserved in 3 Different Anticoagulants
Figure 16. High Yield of Blood DNA
Figure 17. Detection of GAPDH from blood samples preserved in three different anticoagulants (Heparin: red, EDTA: green and Na Citrate: blue)
Figure 18. DNA Isolated from Blood Preserved in EDTA Anticoagulants
Figure 19. Detection of GAPDH From Blood Samples Preserved in EDTA Anticoagulants


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Kit Specifications
Maximum Blood Input200 µL
Average Yield (200 µL blood)*4-12 µg
Average Purity (OD260/280)1.8 – 1.9
Time to Complete Purifications40 minutes (hands-on time Cat. 59800)
50 minutes (hands-on time Cat. 62600)

* Average DNA yield will vary depending on the donor

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 1 year after the date of shipment. The kit contains a ready-to-use Proteinase K, which is dissolved in a specially prepared storage buffer. The buffered Proteinase K is stable for up to 1 year after the date of shipment when stored at room temperature.

ComponentCat. 46300 (50 preps)Cat. 46380 (100 preps)Cat. 51400 (20 preps)Cat. 31200 (12 preps)Cat. 46350 (192 preps)Cat. 59800 (50 preps)Cat. 62600 (192 preps)
Lysis Buffer B20 mL2 x 20 mL2 x 40 mL2 x 110 mL2 x 40 mL20 mL1 x 40 mL
1 x 20 mL
Solution WN18 mL2 x 18 mL55 mL55 mL55 mL18 mL55 mL
Wash Solution A18 mL2 x 18 mL2 x 38 mL2 x 38 mL2 x 38 mL
Elution Buffer B30 mL2 x 30 mL30 mL30 mL2 x 30 mL15 mL1 x 30 mL
1 x 15 mL
Proteinase K in Storage Buffer1.2 mL2 x 1.2 mL4.4 mL8 mL4.5 mL1.2 mL4 mL
Magnetic Bead Suspension2 x 1.1 mL8.5 mL
Maxi Spin Columns12
Mini Spin Columns50100
Midi Spin Columns20
96-Well Plate22
Adhesive Tape42
Collection Tubes501002012
96-Well Collection Plate2
Elution Tubes50100201250
96-Well Elution Plate22
Product Insert1111111

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