Attogene’s Carbon Dioxide Enzymatic Assay Kit is a simple, direct method for measuring Carbon Dioxide levels in the environment. The assay uses a coupled enzyme assay to detect CO2 (as HCO3-) as follows. In the first step, the bicarbonate condenses with phosphoenol pyruvate to form oxalate (and phosphoric acid); this reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme Phosphoenolpyruvate Decarboxylase, PEPC. The oxalate is then enzymatically reduced by the enzyme Malate Dehydrogenase (using an NADH cofactor) to form malate and NAD+.
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R4165 HiPure HP Plant RNA Mini Kit
Product Info
Product Info
HiPure HP Plant RNA Mini Kit combines guanidine isothiocyanate lysing and silica gel membrane purification technology to simplify total RNA extraction. Ultracentrifugation in CsCl purification and LiCl / ethanol precipitation are not required. The kit uses DNase digestion to completely remove DNA. It is suitable for extracting up to 100μg of total RNA (including miRNA) from plant samples less than 200mg. Several samples can be extracted within 40 minutes. The purified RNA can be directly used for RT-PCR, fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR, Northern hybridization, second generation sequencing, etc.
Main Functions
Isolation total RNA (include miRNA) from <200mg difficult-to-extract plant samples (use low toxicity chloroform substitutes)
RT-PCR, qPCR, Northern hybridization, second generation sequencing, nucleic acid protection, in vitro translation
Purification method
Mini spin column
Purification technology
Silica technology
Process method
Manual (centrifugation or vacuum)
Sample type
Hard-to-extraction plant samples such as fruit and seed, grape leaves, tea
Sample amount
≤200 mg
Elution volume
Time per run
1-24 samples within 30 minutes
Liquid carrying volume per column
Binding yield of column
This kit uses glass fiber filter membrane purification technique, and only requires simple combination-washing-elution steps. The sample is lysed and homogenized in the solution containing guanidine salt, ethanol is added to provide appropriate binding conditions, and transferred to the purification column for centrifugation. Up to 100µg of RNA can be selectively bound to the membrane, pollutants are efficiently washed off after three times of washing, and finally the purified RNA is eluted by RNase Free Water.
Completely remove DNA by using of DNase
High quality – one-step RNA extraction reagent combined with silica gel column can obtain the highest concentration
Fast – several samples can be extracted in 40 minutes by column method
Sensitive – RNA can be recovered at the level of PG
Broad spectrum – various types of plant samples can be processed by diversity of operating procedures
Kit Contents
Purification Times
50 Preps
250 Preps
HiPure RNA Mini Columns
2ml Collection Tubes
DNase I
600 μl
5 x 600 μl
DNase Buffer
6 ml
30 ml
Buffer PAL
60 ml
270 ml
Buffer GXP2*
20 ml
100 ml
Buffer BDP
60 ml
270 ml
Buffer RW1
50 ml
250 ml
Buffer RW2*
20 ml
2 x 50 ml
RNase Free Water
10 ml
30 ml
Storage and Stability
DNase I should be stored at -20-8°C upon arrival. The remaining kit components can be stored at room temperature (15-25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions. The entire kit can be stored at 2-8°C, but in this case buffers should be redissolved before use. Make sure that all buffers are at room temperature when used.
Purchase Guide
1. When dealing with woody or uncommon samples, R4150 is recommended first. R4150 contains two polysaccharide/polyphenol lysis buffer, which is the most universal product.
2. R4151 is recommended for handling common economic crop samples for the first time. Strong lysis solution can be used to process easy-extraction samples. The amount of corn or rice leaves samples can reach up to 300mg.
3. R4165 adopts CTAB/chloroform method, which can also handle a large number of difficult-to-extraction plants, but requires contact with chloroform substitutes, which is less safe than other kits. This kit uses DNase Ⅰ to remove DNA, which is also a good choice for extracting polysaccharide/polyphenol-rich plant samples.
4. R4014 is recommended for fruit/starch plant samples, which uses improved trizol pre-treatment, single column operation and is more economical.
Select the right purification kit to get impactful results:
HiPure HP Plant RNA Mini Kit combines guanidine isothiocyanate lysing and silica gel membrane purification technology to simplify total RNA extraction. Ultracentrifugation in CsCl purification and LiCl / ethanol precipitation are not required. The kit uses DNase digestion to completely remove DNA. It is suitable for extracting up to 100μg of total RNA (including miRNA) from plant samples less than 200mg. Several samples can be extracted within 40 minutes. The purified RNA can be directly used for RT-PCR, fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR, Northern hybridization, second generation sequencing, etc.
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Kits
Product Info
Product Info
Isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias
Versatile sample input ranges
Isolate all sizes of free-circulating RNA, including microRNA
Bind and elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias
The purified exosomal RNA is free from any circulating RNA-binding proteins
No phenol extractions, Proteinase K treatment nor carrier RNA required
No time-consuming ultracentrifugation, filtration nor special syringes are required
No precipitation reagents nor overnight incubation required
Concentrate isolated exosomal RNA and free-circulating RNA into a flexible elution volume ranging from 50 µL to 100 µL
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix
These kits provide a fast, reliable and convenient method to sequentially isolate and concentrate exosomal RNA as well as Free-Circulating RNA from different urine sample volumes. The purification is based on spin column chromatography that employs Norgen’s proprietary resin. These kits are designed to isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias. These kits provide a clear advantage over other available kits since they do not require any special instrumentation, protein precipitation reagents, extension tubes, phenol/chloroform or protease treatments. Moreover, the kits allow the user to elute into a flexible elution volume ranging from 50 µL to 100 µL. The RNA isolated from the purified exosomes is free from any protein-bound circulating RNA and is of the highest integrity. Moreover, the free-circulating, protein-bound, RNA is free from any exosomal RNA. The purified RNA can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time PCR, reverse transcription PCR, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension, and expression array assays.
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Mini Kit
For sample volumes ranging from 250 µL to 1 mL.
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Midi Kit
For sample volumes ranging from 2 mL to 10 mL.
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Maxi Kit
All sizes, including miRNA and small RNA (< 200 nt)
Elution Volume
50 – 100 µL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications
35 – 40 minutes
Average Yields*
Variable depending on specimen
*Please check page 4 of the product insert for the average yields and the common RNA quantification methods.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. It is recommended to warm Lysis Buffer A for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed.
Important Note Urine samples stored at -70°C, -20°C or at 4°C will develop some precipitation due to the aggregation of some of the highly abundant proteins in urine. Eliminating these precipitates using centrifugation or filtration may cause the loss of exosomes. Furthermore, these precipitates may affect the quality of the purified nucleic acid. We recommend the use of Norgen’s Urine Preservative when collecting urine samples, which is designed for the preservation of nucleic acids and proteins in fresh urine samples at ambient temperatures. The components of the Urine Preservative allow samples to be stored for over 2 years at room temperature with no detected degradation of urine DNA, RNA or proteins. Norgen’s Urine Preservative is available as a liquid format in Norgen’s Urine Preservative Single Dose Ampules, as well as in a dried format in Norgen’s Urine Collection and Preservation Tubes.
Taq 2x PCR Master Mix – ready to use mix simplifies your PCR setup. Only primers and template need to be added as the mix contains all copmponents for a successful and reliable PCR. This ensures reproducible results, significantly reduces set-up times and the risk of pipetting errors. The robustness of PCR performance allows the application of this mix in a wide range of PCR amplifications. For research use and further manufacturing.In case you are aiming to use our RUO products as components or for your development of e.g. an IVD medical device, please contact us.
Broad Amplification Range
Different-sized amplicons from 3 ng of a DNA plasmid were amplified. The use of Taq DNA polymerase resulted in clean and high yield of products, as analysed after PCR on a 0.8% agarose gel.
Faster Detection and Higher Sensitivity
A fragment (64 bp) of the human blood-coagulation factor IIa (F2) was amplified from 20 ng, 2 ng, 200 pg and 20 pg of a human genomic DNA extract. The same experiment was performed in parallel using the Taq DNA polymerase mix from another well-established and known supplier. PCR products were subsequently analysed on a 2.5% agarose gel.
Taq 2x PCR Master Mix – ready to use mix simplifies your PCR setup. Only primers and template need to be added as the mix contains all copmponents for a successful and reliable PCR. This ensures reproducible results, significantly reduces set-up times and the risk of pipetting errors. The robustness of PCR performance allows the application of this mix in a wide range of PCR amplifications.