ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platforms)


The ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platform) was developed for the construction of high quality ChIP-Seq libraries using 5 ng to 400 ng of ChIP DNA as input. The kit is compatible with ChIP DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods and physical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.).


The ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platform) was developed for the construction of high quality ChIP-Seq libraries using 5 ng to 400 ng of ChIP DNA as input. The kit is compatible with ChIP DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods and physical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.).

ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (illumina)

ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit Workflow

ChIP-Seq is the combination of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) with next generation sequencing. It is a powerful tool for the analysis of global transcription factors and other proteins in diseases and biological pathways, and characterization of histone modifications in a genome-wide level at single-base resolution. ChIP-Seq delivers whole genome level of functional profiling of global transcription factors, and provides better understanding of epigenetic modifications.

Three index types are available for the ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit of the illumina platform:

Non-index (Cat.# 30032): Libraries do not have index.

Index (Cat.# 30034): Each index primer contains a unique 6-base index sequence can be used for identification. 48 samples can be pooled together. Index information can be downloaded here.

Unique dual index (Cat.# 30036): The ChIP-Seq library multiplexing for 96 samples is possible. Our unique 4-Base Difference Index System have 8 bases index length and at least 4 bases are different from each other for better library identification. Our unique dual indexing primers remove sequencing errors such as index hopping, index contamination, mis-assignment, and other errors. Index information can be downloaded here.

Indexes are available for the MGI platform kits (Cat.# 34034).

Kit advantages:

  • Super fast protocol
    • Library prep can be done in 1.5 hours
    • The hands-on time is only around 10 minutes
  • Easy procedure
    • Ready-to-use master mix simplified the procedure
    • Less reaction components make it easy to setup reactions
  • Reduced more than half of the beads cost
  • Input ChIP DNA: From 5 ng to 400 ng

ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit

Comparison of library conversion efficiency under the same condition. Input DNA amounts are 5 ng and 30 ng. BioDynami ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (Cat.# 30034) was used.

ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit

Comparison of aligned reads, aligned rate and duplication rate. Input DNA amounts are 5 ng and 30 ng. BioDynami ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (Cat.# 30034) was used.

ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit

Data comparison: Input DNA amounts are 5 ng and 30 ng. BioDynami ChIP-Seq Library Prep Kit (Cat.# 30034) was used. Sequencing peak regions are shown.

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