Bring your assay kits to the next level with freeze-dried PCR beads.
LyoBeads are ready-to-use, freeze-dried master mixes in shape of a small ball or spheres.
LyoBeads contain: DNA polymerase(s), reaction buffer, dNTPs and primers and probes. They are rehydrated within seconds in any aqueous solutions, which makes reaction setup very simple. Only a biological sample has to be added.
Bring your assay kits to the next level with freeze-dried PCR beads.
LyoBeads are ready-to-use, freeze-dried master mixes in shape of a small ball or spheres.
LyoBeads contain: DNA polymerase(s), reaction buffer, dNTPs and primers and probes. They are rehydrated within seconds in any aqueous solutions, which makes reaction setup very simple. Only a biological sample has to be added.
Storage: LyoBeads are shipped and stored simply at room-temperature. This provides a more cost efficient and ecological distribution compared to other master mixes.
LyoBeads can be pre-dispensed in PCR-strips, PCR-plates, cartridges etc.
As this is a customized product, we take your requirements very serious. You would like to know more? Please get in touch!
Other Products
FBS Exosome Depletion Kits
Product Info
Product Info
Efficient depletion of bovine exosomes from Fetal Bovine Serum
Deplete exosome-sized vesicles from versatile FBS volumes
No protease treatment required
No time-consuming ultracentrifugation
No precipitation reagents required
No overnight incubation required
Exosome depletion confirmed by reduction of bovine miRNAs below detectable levels
The depleted FBS provides the same cellular growth rates as the standard FBS
Purification is based on Norgen’s proprietary Silicon Carbide resin matrix
Norgen’s FBS Exosome Depletion Kits provides a quick and easy protocol for the depletion of bovine exosomes from FBS prior to using it as a growth supplement in your culture medium. The FBS recovered from the depletion process is exosome-depleted and does not contain any quantifiable bovine miRNAs. Moreover, the exosome-depleted FBS will support the growth of your cells of interest similar to the non-depleted FBS. Norgen’s kits allow for the processing of different FBS volumes. The depletion is based on Norgen’s proprietary resin. These kits provide a clear advantage over other available kits in that they do not require ultracentrifugation, any special instrumentation, precipitation reagents or any protease treatments. More importantly, the depletion process is an inexpensive method for exosome depletion from FBS, as compared to the expensive current ready-to-use exosome-depleted media available on the market.
Most culture medium used for the growth and propagation of cells in culture require the addition of fetal bovine serum (FBS) as a growth supplement to media. FBS is obtained from bovine (cow) serum, and therefore contains large quantities of bovine exosome vesicles. These exosomes may interfere with some types of studies, or may lead to unreliable results when studying the exosomes shed from your cells of interest in normal culture conditions. Therefore, the use of exosome-depleted FBS is highly recommended for many types of studies.
Up to 140 mL (FBS Exosome Depletion Kit I (Slurry Format) Up to 280 mL (FBS Exosome Depletion Kit II (Slurry Format)
Deplete exosome-sized vesicle
Bovine miRNA
No detectable bovine miRNA
Time to Complete 6 Purifications
40 minutes
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.
Cerillo’s Stratus Plate Reader is a third party module that can be placed next to or inside the OT-2 or Opentrons Flex for post experimental analysis. The worktable adapter will allow you to utuilize the OT-2 or Opentrons Flex to prepare the samples directly into the plate reader positions on the worktable.
This small portable device is primarily for microbial growth curve analysis. The Stratus is compatible with Cerillo’s Canopy wireless device that allows real time visualization, control, and analytics. This product is compatible with reading 600nm wavelengths.
Cerillo’s Stratus Plate Reader is a third party module that can be placed next to or inside the OT-2 or Opentrons Flex for post experimental analysis. The worktable adapter will allow you to utuilize the OT-2 or Opentrons Flex to prepare the samples directly into the plate reader positions on the worktable.
This small portable device is primarily for microbial growth curve analysis. The Stratus is compatible with Cerillo’s Canopy wireless device that allows real time visualization, control, and analytics. This product is compatible with reading 600nm wavelengths.
[PM2500] ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker (9-180 kDa), 250 μl x 2
Product Info
Product Info
The PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker is a ready-to-use three-color protein standard with 10 pre-stained proteins covering a wide range of molecular weights from 10 to 180 kDa in Tris-Glycine Buffer (9 to 170 kDa in Bis-Tris (MOPS) buffer and 10 to 170 kDa Bis-Tris (MES) buffer). Proteins are covalently coupled with a blue chromophore except for two reference bands (one green and one red band at 25 kDa and 75 kDa respectively) when separated on SDS-PAGE (Tris-Glycine buffer). PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker is designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes (PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose) and for approximating the size of proteins.
Ready-to-use — Premixed with a loading buffer for direct loading, no need to boil.
Two reference bands — 75 kDa (red) and 25 kDa (green)
Approximately 0.1~0.4 mg/ml of each protein in the buffer (20 mM Tris-phosphate (pH 7.5 at 25°C), 2% SDS, 0.2 mM DTT, 3.6 M urea, and 15% (v/v) glycerol).
Quality Control
Under suggested conditions, PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker resolves 10 major bands in 15% SDS-PAGE (Tris-Glycine buffer, MOPS, and MES buffer) and after Western blotting to nitrocellulose membrane.
4°C for 3 months -20°C for long term storage
The PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker is a ready-to-use three-color protein standard with 10 pre-stained proteins covering a wide range of molecular weights from 10 to 180 kDa in Tris-Glycine Buffer (9 to 170 kDa in Bis-Tris (MOPS) buffer and 10 to 170 kDa Bis-Tris (MES) buffer). Proteins are covalently coupled with a blue chromophore except for two reference bands (one green and one red band at 25 kDa and 75 kDa respectively) when separated on SDS-PAGE (Tris-Glycine buffer). PM2500 ExcelBand™ 3-color Regular Range Protein Marker is designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes (PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose) and for approximating the size of proteins.