LyoCakes are ready-to-use, freeze-dried master mixes pre-aliquoted PCR-strips or reaction-tubes.
LyoCakes contain: DNA polymerase(s), reaction buffer, dNTPs and primers and probes. They are rehydrated within seconds in any aqueous solutions, which makes reaction setup very easy. Simply add a biological sample and place the tube in a PCR cycler.
LyoCakes are ready-to-use, freeze-dried master mixes pre-aliquoted PCR-strips or reaction-tubes.
LyoCakes contain: DNA polymerase(s), reaction buffer, dNTPs and primers and probes. They are rehydrated within seconds in any aqueous solutions, which makes reaction setup very easy. Simply add a biological sample and place the tube in a PCR cycler.
Storage: LyoCakes are shipped and stored simply at room-temperature. This provides a more cost efficient and ecological distribution compared to other master mixes.
As this is a customized product, we take your requirements very serious. You would like to know more? Please get in touch!
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D3167 HiPure SF Plant DNA 96 Kit
Product Info
Product Info
This product is suitable for rapid extraction of DNA from plant and fungal samples. The kit is based on silica gel column purification technology. The whole extraction process only takes 60-90 minutes. DNA can be used directly for PCR, quantitative PCR, southern Blot, test of virus DNA and so on.
Main Functions
Isolation total DNA from 50mg simple plant using 96 well bind plate
Plantmaterial is first mechanically disrupted and then lysed by addition of lysis buffer and incubation. RNase A in the lysis buffer digests the RNA in the sample. After lysis, proteins and polysaccharides are salt-precipitated. Binding buffer and ethanol are added to the cleared lysate to promote binding of the DNA to the HiPure membrane. The sample is then applied to a column and then centrifuged. DNA binds to the membrane, while contaminants such as proteins and polysaccharides are efficiently removed by 2 wash steps. Pure DNA is eluted in a small volume of low-salt buffer or water.
High quality DNA – meet a variety of downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR, enzyme digestion, blot hybridization, etc.
High throughput – 96 samples can be processed simultaneously by 96 well plate
High permeability – using composite membrane technology, no hole plugging
Kit Contents
Purification Times
4 x 96 Preps
20 x 96 Preps
RNase Solution
5 ml
22 ml
Elution Buffer
120 ml
500 ml
Buffer SPL
200 ml
2 x 500 ml
Buffer PS
100 ml
400 ml
Buffer GW1
220 ml
5 x 220 ml
Buffer GW2
100 ml
3 x 100 ml
1.6ml Collection Plate
HiPure gDNA Plate
2.2ml Collection Plate(DW Plate)
0.8ml Collection Plate(DW Plate)
Sealing Film
Storage and Stability
RNase solution should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival. However, short-term storage (up to 24 weeks) at room temperature (15-25°C) does not affect its performance. The remaining kit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15-25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions.
This product is suitable for rapid extraction of DNA from plant and fungal samples. The kit is based on silica gel column purification technology. The whole extraction process only takes 60-90 minutes. DNA can be used directly for PCR, quantitative PCR, southern Blot, test of virus DNA and so on.
Designed for those labs wishing to separate magnetic beads into rings.
The Permagen ring magnet low elution plate was designed for use in automation applications where volumes as low as 5 µL are required. Most PCR plates are bent, leading to inconsistent lab results. Unlike most products, we have added an angled frame around the top of our plate, this helps with two things, straightening out the PCR plate, and leading it to the proper location on the magnets during automation
SBS SLAS Footprint (127.75mm x 85.50mm) to fit into any automated liquid handling robot
Features include solid aluminum alloy construction and hard coat anodized finish for years of trouble-free use, and compatible with any magnetic beads
Designed for those labs wishing to separate magnetic beads into rings.
The Permagen ring magnet low elution plate was designed for use in automation applications where volumes as low as 5 µL are required. Most PCR plates are bent, leading to inconsistent lab results. Unlike most products, we have added an angled frame around the top of our plate, this helps with two things, straightening out the PCR plate, and leading it to the proper location on the magnets during automation
Excellent separation and purification of cytoplasmic and nuclear RNA
Convenient and fast spin column format
High quality and yield of RNA
Isolate full diversity of RNA (including microRNA) without phenol
Purified RNA is ready for any application including RT-PCR, qRT-PCR, RNA-Seq, arrays and more
Cytoplasmic RNA is free of DNA and ready for direct use in RT-PCR/qRT-PCR
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix
This kit provides a rapid method for the isolation and purification of both cytoplasmic and nuclear RNA from cultured animal cells and small tissue samples. The kit can be used to isolate all sizes of RNA from the cytoplasmic and nuclear RNA fractions, including all small RNA species without any requirement for phenol. Included in the kit are sufficient reagents to perform either 50 cytoplasmic RNA preparations or 25 cytoplasmic and 25 nuclear RNA preparations. Ten samples can be processed in approximately 45 minutes. This kit is also available in a 100 prep size.
In certain circumstances it is desirable to be able to isolate fractionated RNA as opposed to total RNA. For example, it may be preferable to isolate only mature, cytoplasmic RNA for some studies on expression profiling. Alternatively it may be desirable to isolate nuclear RNA in order to investigate and study pre-processed (non-spliced) RNA. Furthermore, this kit can be used to isolate RNA for downstream applications where it is necessary to avoid DNA contamination, since the cytoplasmic fraction has been shown to be free of all traces of genomic DNA.
RNA Yield HeLa (1 x 106) – Cytoplasmic RNA HeLa (1 x 106) – Nuclear RNA
15 µg ≤ 3.5 µg
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.