DADPS (dialkoxydiphenylsilane) Biotin Alkyne probes eliminate a major limitation of the streptavidin-biotin affinity purification. This reagent contains a biotin moiety and an azide reactive moiety. DADPS probe can be used in biomolecular labeling and proteomic studies. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
DADPS (dialkoxydiphenylsilane) Biotin Alkyne probes eliminate a major limitation of the streptavidin-biotin affinity purification. This reagent contains a biotin moiety and an azide reactive moiety. DADPS probe can be used in biomolecular labeling and proteomic studies. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
E-cadherin is an intercellular adhesion molecule present in epithelial cells. Anti-E-cadherin stains glandular epithelium, as well as lung, gastrointestinal and ovarian adenocarcinomas. A panel of antibodies against E-cadherin and p120 is also used to differentiate ductal (membranous staining) and lobular breast cancer (cytoplasmic staining). Anti-E-cadherin also stains some thyroid cancers.
R-Phycoerthyrin (R-RPE) Streptavidin Conjugate designed for Lateral Flow
Our Streptavidin R-Phycoerythrin conjugates are manufactured from a red algae and the first of its kind protein based fluorescent particles specifically desinged for lateral flow applications. R-RPE is a highly absorptive fluorescent molecule that has excellent detectability. It is the fluorochrome of choice when the brightest signal is needed and is therefore used most often when high sensitivity is essential for detectability and/or accuracy.
Consistent lot-to-lot performance resulting from continuous culture of source organisms and high purity. – Very high water solubility – Homogeneous structure with defined molecular weights – Total control on growth conditions and nutrition, which avoids contamination from extraneous organisms and waste found in the open ocean. Proteins are harvested at the optimal stage of the growth cycle to assure uniform product characteristics. The pigment is extracted and stabilized within minutes of harvest, virtually eliminating risks from the action of proteases.
250ul stock ready to use for lateral flow
50mL lateral flow running buffer designed for Streptavidin R-Phycoerythrin particles
Excitation max: 566nm
Emission max: 575nm
R-RPE is manufactured from a red algae
Protein based fluorescent particles specifically desinged for lateral flow applications
Highly absorptive fluorescent molecule with excellent detectability
Okadaic Acid (OA) is a one of the diarrhetic shellfish poisons (DSP) produced by dinoflagellate genera Dinophysis and Prorocentrum. There are several chemically different toxins associated with DSP.
They are lipophilic and polyether compounds and can be divided into three main groups:
Acidic toxins
Neutral toxins
Other toxins 2 Contamination of shellfish with OA has been associated with harmful algae blooms throughout the world.
In humans, DSP causes dose-dependent symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The action levels established by the FDA for OA is 200ppb. The EU has established a level of 160 ppb of OA or its equivalent.
The Attogene Okadaic acid ELISA kit enables international and government regulatory agencies, food manufacturers and processors, as well as quality assurance organizations to detect OA in food, feed, fish, and environmental samples of concern.
Okadaic acid is the causative agent of Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP).
FDA and EPA Safety Levels in Regulations and Guidance – 0.16 mg/kg for Clams, mussels, oysters, and whole and roe-on scallops, fresh, frozen, or canned. – National Shellfish Sanitation Program Guide for the Control of Molluscan Shellfish.
Competitive ELISA for the quantitative analysis of Okadaic Acid (DSP)
Format: 96-well microtiter plate (12 test strips of 8 wells)
Okadaic acid is a potent neurotoxin and phosphatase inhibitor from dinoflagellate black sponges that are associated with seafood poisonings.