

DBCO-Sulfo-Link-biotin is an anqueous soluble biotin reagent for introducing a biotin moiety to proteins and cell surfaces containing azide moiety through copper-free Click Chemistry. This biotin reagent is membrane-impermeable due to its negatively charged, water soluble sulfonate group. DBCO is commonly used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.


DBCO-Sulfo-Link-biotin is an anqueous soluble biotin reagent for introducing a biotin moiety to proteins and cell surfaces containing azide moiety through copper-free Click Chemistry. This biotin reagent is membrane-impermeable due to its negatively charged, water soluble sulfonate group. DBCO is commonly used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.

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