Diazo Biotin-PEG3-alkyne is useful for introducing a biotin moiety to azide-containing biomolecules using Cu(I)-catalyzed Click Chemistry. The hydrophilic spacer arm provides better solubility to the labeled molecules in aqueous media. Diazo allows efficient release of captured biotinylated molecules from streptavidin using sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4). Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Diazo Biotin-PEG3-alkyne is useful for introducing a biotin moiety to azide-containing biomolecules using Cu(I)-catalyzed Click Chemistry. The hydrophilic spacer arm provides better solubility to the labeled molecules in aqueous media. Diazo allows efficient release of captured biotinylated molecules from streptavidin using sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4). Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
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Available Carbohydrates Assay Kit
Product Info
Product Info
SKU: 700004267
100 Assays of each per kit
100 assays of each per kit
Shipping Temperature:
Storage Temperature:
Short term stability: 2-8oC, Long term stability: See individual component labels
> 2 years under recommended storage conditions
Available Carbohydrates, Dietary Fiber
Assay Format:
Detection Method:
Wavelength (nm):
Signal Response:
Linear Range:
4 to 80 μg of D-glucose, D-fructose or D-galactose per assay
Limit of Detection:
1.475 g/100 g
Reaction Time (min):
~ 5 h
Application examples:
Food ingredients, food products and other materials.
Method recognition:
AOAC Method 2020.07
The Available Carbohydrates Assay Kit method is suitable for the determination of available carbohydrates (AVCHO) comprising *total digestible starch (TDS) plus maltodextrins, sucrose, D-glucose, D-fructose and lactose. New Improved method receiving ‘First Action’ status: AOAC 2020.07. This method is designed to simulate in vivo conditions in the human small intestine (i.e. a 4 h incubation time with PAA + AMG) in parallel with recent advances in Dietary Fiber (DF) methodology (K-RINTDF: AOAC Method 2017.16) and in accordance with the new (physiological based) definition of DF announced by Codex Alimentarius in 2009. Also, sucrose is hydrolysed with a specific “sucrase” enzyme which (unlike invertase which has been used traditionally for this reaction) has no action on fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).
* Total digestible starch (TDS) is defined as starch that is digested in a 4 h period and is part of the carbohydrate that is available for digestion and absorption in the human small intestine.
The Available Carbohydrates Assay Kit method is suitable for the determination of available carbohydrates (AVCHO) comprising *total digestible starch (TDS) plus maltodextrins, sucrose, D-glucose, D-fructose and lactose. New Improved method receiving ‘First Action’ status: AOAC 2020.07. This method is designed to simulate in vivo conditions in the human small intestine (i.e. a 4 h incubation time with PAA + AMG) in parallel with recent advances in Dietary Fiber (DF) methodology (K-RINTDF: AOAC Method 2017.16) and in accordance with the new (physiological based) definition of DF announced by Codex Alimentarius in 2009. Also, sucrose is hydrolysed with a specific “sucrase” enzyme which (unlike invertase which has been used traditionally for this reaction) has no action on fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).
Attogene’s Human IgG/IgM universal lateral flow assay kit is a ready-to-use, universal test strip, which is based on the lateral flow technology that uses gold particles containing streptavidin to conveniently capture biotinylated antigens. The device is designed to easily develop qualitative or quantitative rapid test systems for detection of anti-human IgG and IgM antibody that react to the any antigen that can be biotinylated (i.e. viral antigen, autoimmune antigen) and is easily customizable providing every laboratory with the possibility to perform assay feasibility.
Antibody tests are a method of choice to determine if a person has been exposed to a pathogen or not. They are also incredibly valuable in the detection of autoantibodies that can be found in human autoimmune disorders. In this test, a biotinylated antigen (User supplied) is mixed with a biotinylated rabbit IgG (bind to goat anti rabbit control line) and sample (human sera or plasma) is simply mixed into with the specially designed assay running buffer in a well of the supplied 96-well plate, mixed and is then added to the sample port of the cassette. Generally, the reaction is complete in 10-15 minutes. It is very important to note that the relative stoichiometry between the biotinylated antigen, biotinylated rabbit IgG added, and the streptavidin gold is critical for assay optimization. The appropriate concentration of biotinylated antigen to use with strips is dependent upon the purity and sequence and a standard curve can be used to determine the relative ratio (generally between 1ng-100ng per test). A positive control line (biotin-rabbit IgG) antibody will bind to the goat anti rabbit (GAR) line on the test to ensure the assay is running appropriately.