dsDNA Quantification BR Kit


Cat.# 40041 dsDNA Quantification BR Kit, 100 assays and 500 assays


dsDNA Quantification BR Kit

The kit includes BR Dye, BR Dilution Buffer, and two DNA Standards. The assay is accurate for DNA concentrations from 100 pg/µL to 1000 ng/µL, and is highly selective for double-stranded DNA over RNA.


      • Kit was optimized for use with the Qubit® Fluorometer
      • Uses the Qubit® dsDNA Broad Range assay setting
      • Linear range is 2-1000 ng dsDNA
      • Great saving since the kit cuts the costs by 60%
dsDNA Quantification Broad Range Kit

DNA selectivity and sensitivity. A series of input DNA (200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ng) was used with or without RNA contamination.

BioDynami dsDNA Quantification BR kit

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