The Flex caddy allows the Thermocycler GEN2 to be installed on the Opentrons Flex deck and sit below the deck, enabling below-deck cable routing and labware placed on top of modules to remain closer to the deck surface. The calibration adapter is used to calibrate the location of the Thermocycler. Caddies and calibration adapters are specific to the type of module.
Note: This item does not include the Thermocycler Module. The module is available with or without the Flex Caddy and Calibration tool: Thermocycler Module GEN2
The Flex caddy allows the Thermocycler GEN2 to be installed on the Opentrons Flex deck and sit below the deck, enabling below-deck cable routing and labware placed on top of modules to remain closer to the deck surface. The calibration adapter is used to calibrate the location of the Thermocycler. Caddies and calibration adapters are specific to the type of module.
Note: This item does not include the Thermocycler Module. The module is available with or without the Flex Caddy and Calibration tool: Thermocycler Module GEN2
Other Products
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Product Info
Tri(propargyl-PEG5-NHCO-ethyloxyethyl)amine is a click chemistry branched linker. The propargyl groups can react with azide-bearing molecules via copper catalyzed Click Chemistry.
Tri(propargyl-PEG5-NHCO-ethyloxyethyl)amine is a click chemistry branched linker. The propargyl groups can react with azide-bearing molecules via copper catalyzed Click Chemistry.
The HiPure Midi system provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective plasmid DNA midiprep method for routine molecular biology laboratory applications. HiPure Midiprep Kits use silica membrane technology to eliminate the cumbersome steps associated with loose resins or slurries. Plasmid DNA purified with Mini Kits is immediately ready for use. Phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation are not required, and high quality plasmid DNA is eluted in a small volume of Tris buffer or water.
Main Functions
Isolation up to 500µg endotoxin-free plasmid DNA from 25-50ml bacterial culture. Recommend for High copy vector, Low elution volume, High concentration
Cell transfection, animal injection, etc.
Purification method
Midi spin column
Purification technology
Silica technology
Process method
Manual (centrifugation or vacuum)
Sample type
High copy plasmid vector
Sample amount
25-50ml LB
Elution volume
Time per run
≤60 minutes
Liquid carrying volume per column
Binding yield of column
The HiPure Plasmid procedure is based on alkaline lysis of bacterial cells followed by adsorption of DNA onto silica in the presence of high salt. The unique silica membrane used in the kit completely replaces glass or silica slurries for plasmid DNA minipreps. The procedure consists of 3 basic steps: Preparation and clearing of a bacterial lysate by alkaline method,then transfer the supernatant to column to bind DNA. After washing proteins and other impurities, nucleic acid was finally eluted with low-salt buffer (10mm Tris, pH9.0, 0.5mm EDTA).
High purity – purified plasmid can be directly used in sequencing, enzyme digestion and PCR, etc.
Fast – silica gel column purification is much faster than ion exchange
High concentration – easily obtain concentrations >1000ng/μl
Small amount large extraction – using a small amount of column to achieve a large extraction yield (500μg)
Low endotoxin content – the obtained plasmid can be directly used in cell transfection and animal injection
Kit Contents
Purification Times
50 Preps
50 Preps
RNase A
30 mg
30 mg
Buffer E1
150 ml
150 ml
Buffer E2
150 ml
150 ml
Buffer E3
150 ml
150 ml
Buffer E4
150 ml
150 ml
Buffer E5
150 ml
150 ml
Buffer PW2*
50 ml
50 ml
Elution Buffer
30 ml
30 ml
MaxPure EF Mini Column
2 ml Collection Tubes
Lysate Clear Midi Syringe
Extend Tubes
50ml Centrifuge Tubes
Support Tubes
Storage and Stability
The kit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15-25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions. If any precipitates form in the buffers, warm at 37℃ to dissolve. After addition of RNase A and optional LyseBlue reagent, Buffer P1 is stable for 6 months when stored at 2–8°C.
The HiPure Midi system provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective plasmid DNA midiprep method for routine molecular biology laboratory applications. HiPure Midiprep Kits use silica membrane technology to eliminate the cumbersome steps associated with loose resins or slurries. Plasmid DNA purified with Mini Kits is immediately ready for use. Phenol extraction and ethanol precipitation are not required, and high quality plasmid DNA is eluted in a small volume of Tris buffer or water.
NGS FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platforms)
Product Info
Product Info
The NGS FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platforms) was developed for the construction of high quality FFPE DNA libraries using 10 ng to 400 ng of input DNA isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. The DNA damage caused by fixation makes it difficult to construct high quality libraries. Our kit has been optimized to repair damaged DNA in the reactions. Multiplexing of the NGS FFPE DNA Library is possible.
NGS FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit Workflow
FFPE samples are a great resource for biomedical research. However, the methods for fixation and condition of storage significantly damage the DNA in the samples. Thus, the extraction of high quality DNA from FFPE samples is often a challenge. Low yield and low quality of FFPE DNA usually are common because of the limited tissue material and the DNA degradation.
As a result, it is usually difficult to construct high quality NGS libraries from low amount and low quality of FFPE DNA. In order to address this issue, we have developed the NGS FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit to make high quality libraries from the low input of FFPE DNA samples.
Three index types are available for the NGS FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit of the illumina platform:
Non-index (Cat.# 30035): Libraries do not have index.
Index (Cat.# 30037): Each of our index primers contains a unique barcode DNA (6 bases long) that can be used to identify individual library. Multiplexing of libraries is up to 48 samples. Index information can be downloaded here.
Unique dual index (Cat.# 30039): FFPE DNA library multiplexing is possible with 96 samples based on the unique dual indexing system. Our unique Four–Base Difference Index System allows us to make indexes that have at least 4 bases different from each other in the 8-base index sequence. Our unique dual indexing primers can effectively remove NGS errors including index hopping, de-multiplexing errors, index cross-contamination, mis-assignments etc. The unique dual index primer set includes 96 pre-mixed unique pairs of i5 and i7 index primers. Index information can be downloaded here.
Indexes are available for the MGI platform kits (Cat.# 34037).
Kit advantages:
Fast and simple protocol
Making libraries in just 1.5 hours
10 minutes of hands-on time
Easy procedure
Ready-to-use master mix to reduce the tedious mixing
Less reaction components to simplify the reaction setup
Less magnetic beads needed for the purification steps: saving more than 50% of the expensive beads
Low input FFPE DNA: From 10 ng to 400 ng
Comparison of library conversion efficiency under the same condition. Input DNA amount is 25 ng.
Comparison of library yield under the same condition. Input DNA amount is 25 ng.
The NGS FFPE DNA Library Prep Kit (illumina and MGI Platforms) was developed for the construction of high quality FFPE DNA libraries using 10 ng to 400 ng of input DNA isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. The DNA damage caused by fixation makes it difficult to construct high quality libraries. Our kit has been optimized to repair damaged DNA in the reactions. Multiplexing of the NGS FFPE DNA Library is possible.