The Glycerol test kit is a simple, reliable, rapid and accurate method for the measurement and analysis of Glycerol in beverages, foodstuffs and other materials.
SKU: 700004292
70 assays (manual) / 700 assays (microplate)
70 assays (manual) / 700 assays (microplate)
Shipping Temperature:
Storage Temperature:
Short term stability: 2-8oC, Long term stability: See individual component labels
> 2 years under recommended storage conditions
Assay Format:
Spectrophotometer, Microplate
Detection Method:
Wavelength (nm):
Signal Response:
Linear Range:
0.8 to 35 µg of glycerol per assay
Limit of Detection:
0.34 mg/L
Reaction Time (min):
~ 5 min
Application examples:
Wine (and grape juice), beer, spirits, vinegar, marzipan, fruit juices, soft drinks, toothpaste, honey, tobacco, paper (and cardboard), cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, soap and other materials (e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.).
Method recognition:
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by OIV and MEBAK
The Glycerol test kit is a simple, reliable, rapid and accurate method for the measurement and analysis of Glycerol in beverages, foodstuffs and other materials.
Note for Content: The number of manual tests per kit can be doubled if all volumes are halved. This can be readily accommodated using the MegaQuantTM Wave Spectrophotometer (D-MQWAVE).
Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
Standard included
Suitable for manual and microplate formats
Extended cofactors stability
Other Products
RNA/DNA Purification Kits
Product Info
Product Info
Sequentially isolate and purify total RNA and DNA from a single sample
Two column system: one for DNA and one for RNA
The RNA column is for the purification of total RNA including microRNA
No need to split the lysate, or to use phenol or precipitation methods
Rapid and efficient spin column procedure – it takes only 30 minutes
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix
These kits provide a rapid method for the isolation and purification of total RNA and DNA sequentially from a single sample of cultured animal cells and tissues, blood, bacteria, yeast, or fungi. The lysate is passed over two columns: 1) a DNA column and 2) an RNA column. Total RNA of all sizes is purified, including microRNA. Both DNA and RNA are of the highest purity and yield.
These kits are ideal for researchers who are interested in studying the genome and transcriptome of a single sample, such as for studies of microRNA profiling, gene expression including gene silencing experiments or mRNA knockdowns, studies involving biomarker discovery, and for characterization of cultured cell lines. Norgen’s RNA/DNA Purification Kits are especially useful for researchers who are isolating macromolecules from precious, difficult to obtain or small samples such as biopsy materials or single foci from cell cultures, as they eliminate the need to fractionate the sample. Furthermore, analysis will be more reliable since the RNA and DNA are derived from the same sample, thereby eliminating inconsistent results. The purified macromolecules are of the highest purity and can be used in a number of different downstream applications
RNA/DNA Purification Kit (Spin Column)
Maximum column binding capacity of 50 μg for RNA and 20 μg for DNA.
RNA/DNA Purification Micro Kit (Micro)
The purified RNA and DNA fractions can be eluted in as little as 20 μL. Ideal for cell number inputs of 500,000 and as little as 5 cells. Maximum column binding capacity of 35 μg for RNA and 10 μg for DNA.
Maximum Amount of Starting Material: Animal Cells Animal Tissues Blood Bacteria Yeast Fungi Plant Tissues
5 x 106 cells 25 mg (for most tissues)** 200 μL 1 x 109 cells 1 x 108 cells 50 mg 50 mg
Time to Complete 10 Purifications
30 minutes
Average Yield*: HEK 293 Cells (1 x 106 cells) HEK 293 Cells (1 x 106 cells) Liver (15 mg) Liver (15 mg)
10-15 μg RNA 2-4 μg DNA 30-35 μg RNA 4-6 μg DNA
*Average Yield will vary depending upon a number of factors including species, growth conditions used, and development stage.
**Tissue inputs of up to 40 mg may be used, however for inputs greater than the recommended 25 mg, cross-contamination of the RNA and DNA fractions is possible.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability Store Proteinase K at -20°C upon arrival. All other solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 1 year after the date of shipment.
The 16S V3-V5 Library Preparation Kit for Illumina consists of the reagents and components required for library preparation of the 16S V3-V4 amplicon libraries to be used for next-generation sequencing on Illumina platforms. All molecular reagents including primers, enzyme mixes, indexes, and buffers are provided. Instructions for PCR clean up with the AMPure XP Magnetic Beads (supplied by customer) are also included for rapid purification of nucleic acid products generated at two steps of the workflow. The library prep workflow could be used for purified DNA inputs from different sources including stool, soil, water, saliva, plant, urine, skin swab, vaginal swab, cheek swab, nasal swab, plasma/serum, tongue swab, gum swab, and others.
The 16S V3-V5 Library Preparation Kit for Illumina has a streamlined procedure that reduces the handling time such that the library prep procedure can be completed in approximately 4 hours (see diagram below). Input DNA is first subjected to targeted PCR to amplify the V3-V4 region of the DNA encoding 16S rRNA. The post-PCR reaction is then cleaned up using AMPure XP beads. Dual index primers are then added using a limited-cycle PCR. The indexed amplicons flanked by 5′ and 3′ barcoded adaptors are then cleaned using AMPure XP beads. The libraries are then ready for quantification, pooling and sequencing.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability Norgen’s 16S V3-V5Library Prep Kit for Illumina is shipped as one kit box (for the 24 prep kit) or two sub-component kits (for the 96 prep kit). All kits should be stored at -20°C upon arrival.
All kit components should remain stable for at least 1 year when stored at the specified storage conditions.
Propargyl-PEG5-NHS ester has a propargyl group and an NHS ester group. The terminal NHS ester and is an amine reactive moeity which is useful for derivatizing peptides, antibodies, amine coated surfaces etc. The propargyl group can participate in Click Chemistry reactions with azide compounds, copper is needed for catalyzation. The PEG units can enhance the hydrophilicity of the molecule. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Propargyl-PEG5-NHS ester has a propargyl group and an NHS ester group. The terminal NHS ester and is an amine reactive moeity which is useful for derivatizing peptides, antibodies, amine coated surfaces etc. The propargyl group can participate in Click Chemistry reactions with azide compounds, copper is needed for catalyzation. The PEG units can enhance the hydrophilicity of the molecule. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.