Nucleic acid testing (NAT) is the method of choice for detection and quantification of a wide range of micro organisms. Primerdesign manufactures and supplies high quality quantitative real-time PCR kits for the detection and simultaneous quantification of numerous significant pathogens . A copy number standard curve is provided for quantification and an the internal extraction template (DNA or RNA), controls for the quality of the nucleic acid extraction and eliminates false negative results.
The kit is designed with the broadest possible detection profile to ensure that all clinically relevant strains and subtypes are detected. Target sequences are selected by working with data from key opinion leaders in the field. Multiple sequence alignments and unprecedented real-time PCR expertise in design and validation ensure the best possible kit. Details of the target and priming specificity are included in the individual handbooks above.
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Propargyl-PEG8-bromide is a PEG reagent containing an alkyne group and a bromide group. The alkyne group can react with azide-bearing compounds or biomolecules in Click Chemistry reactions under the catalyzation of copper. The PEG spacer increases water-solubility of the molecule in aqueous media. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Propargyl-PEG8-bromide is a PEG reagent containing an alkyne group and a bromide group. The alkyne group can react with azide-bearing compounds or biomolecules in Click Chemistry reactions under the catalyzation of copper. The PEG spacer increases water-solubility of the molecule in aqueous media. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Dietary fiber can generally be described as the carbohydrate content of food that is not digested in the human small intestine. It passes into the large intestine where it is partially or fully fermented. These characteristics of dietary fiber are associated with its numerous well documented health benefits.
Dietary Fiber is a mixture of complex organic substances, including hydrophilic compounds, such as soluble and insoluble polysaccharides and non-digestable oligosaccharides, as well as a range of non-swellable, more or less hydrophobic, compounds such as cutins, suberins and lignins. The procedures for the determination and analysis of total dietary fiber as outlined in our assay protocol are based on the methods of Lee et al.1 and Prosky et al.2,3 (AOAC 991.43, AOAC 985.29, AACC 32-07.01 and AACC 32-05.01). However, the enzymes in the Megazyme Total Dietary Fiber Kit can also be used in other dietary fiber analytical methods such as AACC Method 32-21.01 and AACC Method 32-06.01.
1. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. (1985). Official Methods of Analysis, 14th ed., 1st suppl. Secs. 43, A14-43, A20, p.399. 2. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. (1986). Changes in methods. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 69, 370. 3. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. (1987). Changes in methods. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 70, 393.
See General Referee Reports: Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 81, No. 1, 1998.
Two separate methods are described in the associated assay protocol:
METHOD 1: DETERMINATION OF TOTAL, SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE DIETARY FIBER Based on AOAC Method 991.43 “Total, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary Fiber in Foods” (First Action 1991) and AACC Method 32-07.01 “Determination of Soluble, Insoluble, and Total Dietary Fiber in Foods and Food Products” (Final Approval 10-16-91).
METHOD 2: DETERMINATION OF TOTAL DIETARY FIBER Based on AACC method 32-05.01 and AOAC Method 985.29.
Note that a letter of endorsement from the original method developer, Dr. Leon Prosky, is included in the Documents Tab.
Isolate genomic DNA from anticoagulated and untreated blood
Rapid and convenient spin column procedure
Isolate DNA from inputs as low as 20 µL
This kit is designed for the rapid preparation of total DNA from dried blood spots with a quick and convenient spin column. The Dried Blood Spot DNA Isolation Kit allows for the isolation of DNA from the blood of various species, including humans. Preparation time for a single sample is 30 minutes. The purified DNA is of high quality and is completely compatible with downstream applications including PCR, qPCR and more.
* Yield will vary depending on the type of blood processed
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 1 year after the date of shipment. The kit contains a ready-to-use Proteinase K, which is dissolved in a specially prepared storage buffer. The buffered Proteinase K is stable for up to 1 year after the date of shipment when stored at room temperature.