Magnetic Beads (Short Oligo Purification)


Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) beads are a simple and effective reagent for DNA purification, but not for short oligo purification. The beads are paramagnetic particles coated with carboxyl groups that can reversibly bind to nucleic acid. However, SPRI beads can only purify DNA/RNA fragments that are 100 base pairs or longer. DNA/RNA fragments shorter than 100 base pairs are not effectively recovered.


Magnetic Beads (Short Oligo Purification)

Short Oligo Purification Kit components

Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) beads are a simple and effective reagent for DNA purification, but not for short oligo purification. The beads are paramagnetic particles coated with carboxyl groups that can reversibly bind to nucleic acid. However, SPRI beads can only purify DNA/RNA fragments that are 100 base pairs or longer. DNA/RNA fragments shorter than 100 base pairs are not effectively recovered.

Oligo purification can also be performed using spin column-based technology. The oligo size limitation for recovery is around 20 nt, as oligos under 20 nt have a very low recovery rate.

Magnetic Beads (Short Oligo Purification) workflow

We have developed Magnetic Beads (Short Oligo Purification) Kit for short oligo purification. Our proprietary bead technology enables the recovery of oligos as short as 6 nt. 80% of the 6 nt oligos and 90% of the > 8 nt oligos can be recovered. The reagent also effectively removes impurities and unwanted components such as salts, proteins, dNTPs, detergents, and other contaminants. The magnetic bead reagents are RNase free, and can be used for both DNA and RNA applications.

Magnetic Beads (Short Oligo Purification) data

Recovery rates of of short oligos. Oligos with different sizes were used as input. BioDynami Short Oligo Quantification Kit (Cat. # 40046) was used to quantify the recovery rates with modifications.


  • Effective purification of short oligos
      • 6 nt oligos: 80% recovery rate
      • >8 nt oligos: >90% recovery rate
  • Removal of impurities and unwanted reaction components

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