NGS Library Circularization Kit (MGI Platform)


The NGS Library Circularization Kit (MGI Platform) was developed for preparation of single-stranded circular DNA libraries for next generation sequencing (MGI platform).


The NGS Library Circularization Kit (MGI Platform) was developed for preparation of single-stranded circular DNA libraries for next generation sequencing (MGI platform).

The kit uses linear dsDNA libraries (MGI platform) as input and enriches the circularized single-stranded DNA libraries. The circularization kit has a higher library circularization efficiency (25%) as compared to other vendors (7-15%).

NGS Library Circularization workflow (MGI platform)

NGS Library Circularization Kit workflow

NGS Library Circularization Kit (MGI Platform)

Comparison of Library Circularization Efficiency

Kit features

      • Fast protocol
        • Total protocol time is around 1 hour
        • Hands-on time is only ~10 minutes
      • Guaranteed high library circularization efficiency as compared to other kits
      • Input DNA amount: 100-300 ng

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