PACE Multiplex Master Mix is an advanced and versatile extension of our PACE 2.0 Genotyping Master Mix, formulated for the simultaneous detection of up to four targets in one reaction well. For example, two bi-allelic SNPs, or one reference gene and a further three genes of interest.
PACE Multiplex genotyping assay designs are available from 3CR Bioscience through our free PACE assay design service; once designed, users can purchase assay primers independently or through 3CR Bioscience using our partial or full-assay validation service.
Users will require a plate reader capable of reading FAM, HEX, ATTO 590, ATTO 647N and reference dye ATTO 680 (wavelengths in the PACE Multiplex Master Mix User Guide). PACE Multiplex Master Mix is supplied at 2x concentration for convenience and with or without ATTO 680 reference dye at a range of levels to ensure compatibility with your qPCR machine or reader.
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Alkaline Phosphatase Assay Kit
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Highly Sensitive, rapid, robust screening kit for sample phosphatase activity.
For plate-based colorimetric enzymatic determination of alkaline phosphatase:
Distributed in almost every tissue of the body, serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels are of interest in the testing for hepatobiliary disorder and bone disease. Most of the ALP in the normal adult serum is from the liver or biliary tract. Normal alkaline phosphatase levels are age-dependent and are elevated during periods of active bone growth. Moderate elevations of ALP (not involving the liver or bone) may be attributed to Hodgkin’s disease, congestive heart failure, and abdominal bacterial infections.
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphate esters in an alkaline environment, resulting in the formation of an organic radical and inorganic phosphate. In mammals, this enzyme is found mainly in the liver and bones. Marked increase in serum ALP levels, a disease known as hyperalkalinephosphatasemia, has been associated with malignant biliary obstruction, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, hepatic lymphoma, and sarcoidosis.
The kit contains sufficient materials to rapidly test 42 samples in duplicate.
Highly Sensitive, rapid, robust screening kit for sample phosphatase activity.
N-(Propargyl-PEG2)-DBCO-PEG3-NHS ester is a PEG linker with a terminal NHS ester to perform facile reactions with amine groups of molecules as well as a propargyl to react with azides to form a triazole. The DBCO can participate in copper-free Click Chemistry reactions.
N-(Propargyl-PEG2)-DBCO-PEG3-NHS ester is a PEG linker with a terminal NHS ester to perform facile reactions with amine groups of molecules as well as a propargyl to react with azides to form a triazole. The DBCO can participate in copper-free Click Chemistry reactions.
Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization magnetic beads consist of paramagnetic particles coated with carboxyl groups that reversibly bind DNA. They are used for DNA purification because they are fast, simple and efficient. We have developed our own beads technology that are different from other SPRI beads technologies.
Our Magnetic Beads(DNA & RNA Purification) combines BioDynami’s proprietary chemistries with reversible DNA-binding properties of magnetic beads. The magnetic beads, which are unique from other SPRI beads, are developed for effective nucleic acid purification by removing unwanted components such as salts, dNTPs, enzymes, primers, adapters, and other impurities. The beads are RNase free, can be used for applications of DNA, and even work with more sensitive RNA without any additional cost.
Our magnetic beads are optimized to selectively bind DNA fragments of 100 bp and larger, and RNA fragments of 200 bases and larger, similar to other SPRI beads such as AMPure® XP* and SPRIselect*. Purified DNA and RNA are suitable for downstream applications requiring high quality DNA and RNA, as the purified fragments are free of contaminants and impurities. The beads can be used for NGS library purification, PCR fragment cleanup, molecular cloning, or even nucleic acid concentration.
The beads can also be used for size selection of DNA fragments ranging from 150 bp to 800 bp by changing the bead-to-sample volume ratio and performing single or double-size selection. The beads are an ideal choice for NGS library preparation. They can be easily integrated into the standard workflow of NGS library preparation since the volume ratio is similar for protocols using standard magnetic beads.
Effective recovery of DNA and RNA samples
DNA fragments greater than 100 base pairs
RNA fragments greater than 200 bases
Removal of unwanted components and impurities
Fragment size selection for specific applications
Consistent single or double-size selection
Flexibility: compatible with manual and automated processing
Cost effective alternative to other beads such as AMPure® XP* and SPRIselect* with equivalent performance
* AMPure® XP and SPRIselect are trade marks of Beckman Coulter.
Magnetic beads recovery rate. dsDNA and ssDNA of genomic DNA, 1 kb DNA, and 200 bp DNA fragments were used. Total RNA was also tested.
Comparison of elution volume vs yield. 40 ul , 30 ul, and 20 ul of elution volume were used. BioDynami magnetic beads have better recovery rates at low elution volume when compared to other SPRI beads such as AMPure® XP*.