PACE® Multiplex Master Mix


PACE Multiplex Master Mix for the simultaneous detection of up to four targets in one reaction. Save time, cost, and consumables while maximising data generation.



PACE Multiplex Master Mix for the simultaneous detection of up to four targets in one reaction. Save time, cost, and consumables while maximising data generation.

PACE Multiplex Master Mix is an advanced and versatile extension of our PACE 2.0 Genotyping Master Mix, formulated for the simultaneous detection of up to four targets in one reaction well. For example, two bi-allelic SNPs, or one reference gene and a further three genes of interest.

PACE Multiplex genotyping assay designs are available from 3CR Bioscience through our free PACE assay design service; once designed, users can purchase assay primers independently or through 3CR Bioscience using our partial or full-assay validation service.

Users will require a plate reader capable of reading FAM, HEX, ATTO 590, ATTO 647N and reference dye ATTO 680 (wavelengths in the PACE Multiplex Master Mix User Guide). PACE Multiplex Master Mix is supplied at 2x concentration for convenience and with or without ATTO 680 reference dye at a range of levels to ensure compatibility with your qPCR machine or reader.

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