PCR Decontamination Kit


The PCR Decontamination Kit can remove contaminating DNA in PCR master mixes, without reduction of PCR sensitivity.



The PCR Decontamination Kit can remove contaminating DNA in PCR master mixes, without reduction of PCR sensitivity.

  • The double-strand specific property of the dsDNase allows decontamination with primers and probe present.
  • Efficient for end-point PCR, probe-based qPCR, and some SYBR based qPCR mixes.
  • Contaminating bacterial DNA can be reduced to levels below the detection limit.
  • Fast and easy protocol.
  • Flat NTCs (No Template Controls).

Decontamination of master mixes without reduction of sensitivity has always been a challenge. Especially when minor amounts of DNA are targeted, contaminating DNA is a major problem. Any loss of sensitivity in the qPCR assay caused by the decontamination protocol is unacceptable.

In Figure 1, it is demonstrated that the PCR decontamination kit can remove contaminating DNA from a qPCR mix to non-detectable levels (flat NTC), without affecting the sensitivity of the qPCR.

Kit Contents

  • DTT (Inactivation Aid)
  • dsDNase

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