Short term stability: 2-8oC, Long term stability: See individual component labels
> 2 years under recommended storage conditions
Assay Format:
Detection Method:
Wavelength (nm):
Signal Response:
Linear Range:
0.1 to 10 μg of phosphate per assay
Limit of Detection:
1.5 U/L
Reproducibility (%):
< 7%
Reaction Time (min):
~ 30 min
Application examples:
Animal feeds, phytase activity in cereal, fungal and bacterial phytases.
Method recognition:
Novel method
The Phytase Assay Kit is a simple, quantitative method which can be used to measure phytase activity. Analysis is based on the hydrolysis of phytic acid by phytase and quantitative measurement of the phosphate released. Results are measured using a standard UV-VIS spectrophotometer and do not require the creation of a standard curve. The Phytase method can be used to measure phytase activity in cereal, fungal and bacterial phytases, and can also be used for the analysis of phytase in animal feed samples.
No need for expensive instrumentation, i.e. fluorimeter
Low cost per assay
All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
Standard included
Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
Other Products
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Kits
Product Info
Product Info
Isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias
Versatile sample input ranges
Isolate all sizes of free-circulating RNA, including microRNA
Bind and elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias
The purified exosomal RNA is free from any circulating RNA-binding proteins
No phenol extractions, Proteinase K treatment nor carrier RNA required
No time-consuming ultracentrifugation, filtration nor special syringes are required
No precipitation reagents nor overnight incubation required
Concentrate isolated exosomal RNA and free-circulating RNA into a flexible elution volume ranging from 50 µL to 100 µL
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix
These kits provide a fast, reliable and convenient method to sequentially isolate and concentrate exosomal RNA as well as Free-Circulating RNA from different urine sample volumes. The purification is based on spin column chromatography that employs Norgen’s proprietary resin. These kits are designed to isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias. These kits provide a clear advantage over other available kits since they do not require any special instrumentation, protein precipitation reagents, extension tubes, phenol/chloroform or protease treatments. Moreover, the kits allow the user to elute into a flexible elution volume ranging from 50 µL to 100 µL. The RNA isolated from the purified exosomes is free from any protein-bound circulating RNA and is of the highest integrity. Moreover, the free-circulating, protein-bound, RNA is free from any exosomal RNA. The purified RNA can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time PCR, reverse transcription PCR, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension, and expression array assays.
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Mini Kit
For sample volumes ranging from 250 µL to 1 mL.
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Midi Kit
For sample volumes ranging from 2 mL to 10 mL.
Urine Exosome and Free-Circulating RNA Isolation Maxi Kit
All sizes, including miRNA and small RNA (< 200 nt)
Elution Volume
50 – 100 µL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications
40 – 45 minutes
Average Yields*
Variable depending on the specimen
*Please check page 5 of the product insert for the average yields and the common RNA quantification methods.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipping. It is recommended to warm Lysis Buffer A for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed.
Important Note Urine samples stored at -70°C, -20°C or at 4°C will develop some precipitation due to the aggregation of some of the highly abundant proteins in urine. Eliminating these precipitates using centrifugation or filtration may cause the loss of exosomes. Furthermore, these precipitates may affect the quality of the purified nucleic acid. We recommend the use of Norgen’s Urine Preservative when collecting urine samples, which is designed for the preservation of nucleic acids and proteins in fresh urine samples at ambient temperatures. The components of the Urine Preservative allow samples to be stored for over 2 years at room temperature with no detected degradation of urine DNA, RNA or proteins. Norgen’s Urine Preservative is available as a liquid format in Norgen’s Urine Preservative Single Dose Ampules, as well as in a dried format in Norgen’s Urine Collection and Preservation Tubes.
[CK1000] Champion™ E. coli Transformation Kit, 200 Rxn
Product Info
Product Info
Champion™ E. coli Transformation Kit provides an easy method for rapid preparation of chemically competent cells with high transformation efficiency from fresh culture, overnight culture, or even directly from bacterial colonies on the plate. The competent cell preparation method eliminates the requirement of time-wasting wash step. In addition, preparation of competent cells from overnight culture or directly from bacterial colonies provides flexibility to cloning experiment. The resultant competent cells can be immediately used or stored at -70°C for one year. This kit includes a specialized SMO-Broth™ medium and a unique Champion™ CC Buffer for culturing and preparing competent cells efficiently. Following the simple and quick competent cell preparation protocol from fresh culture, the transformation efficiency is typically ranged from 108–109 cfu/μg transformants/μg of pUC19 plasmid DNA, but varies depending on the E. coli strains. The resultant competent cells can be further transformed using time-saving transformation protocol, eliminating the requirement of heat-shock and recovery steps.
Flexible– fresh culture, overnight culture, 4°C stored liquid culture or even colonies on agar plate can be used for transformation.
Fast and Easy– only few steps for preparation; suitable for time-saving transformation
High efficiency– up to 109 cfu/μg
Personalization– suitable for most E. coli strains
Kit Contents
Champion™ CC Buffer
20 ml
100 ml x 2
pUC19 Control Plasmid (10-4 μg/μl)
5 µl
Instruction Manual
Champion™ Competent Cell Preparation Card
4°C for 12 months
Champion™ E. coli Transformation Kit provides an easy method for rapid preparation of chemically competent cells with high transformation efficiency from fresh culture, overnight culture, or even directly from bacterial colonies on the plate. The competent cell preparation method eliminates the requirement of time-wasting wash step. In addition, preparation of competent cells from overnight culture or directly from bacterial colonies provides flexibility to cloning experiment. The resultant competent cells can be immediately used or stored at -70°C for one year. This kit includes a specialized SMO-Broth™ medium and a unique Champion™ CC Buffer for culturing and preparing competent cells efficiently. Following the simple and quick competent cell preparation protocol from fresh culture, the transformation efficiency is typically ranged from 108–109 cfu/μg transformants/μg of pUC19 plasmid DNA, but varies depending on the E. coli strains. The resultant competent cells can be further transformed using time-saving transformation protocol, eliminating the requirement of heat-shock and recovery steps.
Rapid isolation of both small and large species of DNA from urine
Convenient spin column format
Effective removal of PCR inhibitors
Purified DNA is highly suited to sensitive downstream applications
Allows for the purification of viral DNA from urine
Both high molecular weight DNA (greater than 1 kb in size; mostly cell associated) and the smaller DNA (150 – 250 bp; derived from the circulation) is effectively isolated and purified using a rapid and convenient spin column protocol. This kit can be used to isolate DNA from a broad range of viruses in urine as well. Salts, metabolic wastes, proteins and other contaminants are removed to yield inhibitor-free DNA for use in sensitive applications. The DNA is of excellent quality for various downstream applications such as PCR, qPCR and DNA fingerprinting, methylation studies and more.
This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from urine volumes ranging from 50 μL to 1.75 mL of urine. Multiple samples can be processed in 30 minutes.
Urine DNA Isolation Kit (Slurry Format)
This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from urine volumes ranging from 3 mL to 25 mL. Multiple samples can be processed in 30 minutes. Multiple samples can be processed in 45 minutes.
Urine DNA Isolation Maxi Kit (Slurry Format)
This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from urine volumes ranging from 25 mL of urine up to 80 mL. Multiple samples can be processed in 45 minutes.
DNA found in urine can be divided into 2 basic categories. The larger species, genomic-DNA (gDNA), is generally greater than 1 kb in size, and appears to be derived mainly from exfoliated cells. The second species is smaller, generally between 150 and 250 bp (apoptotic-DNA), and derives, at least in part, from the circulation. The second species is also considered as an RNA/DNA hybrid as reported by Halicka et al. (2000). Both types of DNA can be isolated reliably using this kit.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. It is recommended to warm up Slurry B1 and Lysis Buffer A for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed. Slurry B1 contains a grey resin that will not dissolve when warmed.