Propargyl-PEG5-Ms represents a bifunctional linker possessing a proparygyl group reactive towards azides in copper (I) click chemistry to form stable triazoles with the target compound as well as a mesyl group which is a good leaving group for nucleophilic reactions.
Propargyl-PEG5-Ms represents a bifunctional linker possessing a proparygyl group reactive towards azides in copper (I) click chemistry to form stable triazoles with the target compound as well as a mesyl group which is a good leaving group for nucleophilic reactions.
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RNase-Free DNase I Kit
Product Info
Product Info
Convenient optimized on-column DNase treatment using Norgen’s RNA Purification Kits
Also includes protocol for digestion in-solution followed by RNA Clean-Up
Guaranteed RNase-Free
Includes Enzyme Incubation Buffer
Cat. 25710 contains one vial of 1,600 units and Cat. 25720 contains 4 vials (1,600 units/vial)
Norgen’s RNA purification kits isolate total RNA with minimal amounts of genomic DNA contamination. However, for some sensitive downstream applications, it may be desirable to remove all traces of residual DNA. Norgen’s RNase-free DNAse I Kit, with Enzyme Incubation Buffer, can be used for optional on-column DNase digestion with any of Norgen’s RNA purification kits. Alternatively, after isolating total RNA using one of Norgen’s RNA purification kits, the RNA elution can be treated with this DNase I. The RNA can then be purified from the DNase using Norgen’s RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Kit (Cat# 23600), and the RNA can then be used in downstream applications.
Each RNase-Free DNase I Kit is supplied complete with sufficient enzyme and enzyme incubation buffer for 50 or 200 reactions.
Storage Conditions The DNase I provided is in lyophilized form. It is stable for at least 3 months if stored at room temperature. However, it is recommended to store the DNase I vial at 2 – 8ºC (or below) upon receipt to maintain stability beyond 3 months. Buffer DR and Enzyme Incubation Buffer can be stored at room temperature. After reconstitution with Buffer DR (see product manual), the DNase I should be stored at -20ºC. All reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers at the appropriate storage temperature.
The NGS DNA Library Prep Kit (Ion Torrent platform) was developed for construction of high quality DNA libraries for next generation sequencing using Ion Torrent platform. The kit uses short double strand DNA fragments (blunt ends and/or sticky ends) as input DNA for NGS library construction, and is compatible with DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods (BioDynami DNA Fragmentation Enzyme Mix and DNA Fragmentation & A-tailing Enzyme Mix etc) and mechanical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.). Our unique technology increases library conversion efficiency and eliminates insert concatemer ligation. Library multiplexing up to 12 samples is possible.
NGS DNA Library Prep Kit Workflow
Kit features
Simple procedure: Reactions for all three steps are in one tube
Fast protocol
Total protocol time is around 1 hour
Hands-on time is only ~5 minutes
Guaranteed high library conversion efficiency as compared to other kits
Input DNA amount: from 50 ng to 1 ug
No insert concatemer ligation
The NGS DNA Library Prep Kit (Ion Torrent platform) was developed for construction of high quality DNA libraries for next generation sequencing using Ion Torrent platform. The kit uses short double strand DNA fragments (blunt ends and/or sticky ends) as input DNA for NGS library construction, and is compatible with DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods (BioDynami DNA Fragmentation Enzyme Mix and DNA Fragmentation & A-tailing Enzyme Mix etc) and mechanical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.). Our unique technology increases library conversion efficiency and eliminates insert concatemer ligation. Library multiplexing up to 12 samples is possible.
Short term stability: 2-8oC, Long term stability: See individual component labels
> 6 months under recommended storage conditions
Assay Format:
Spectrophotometer, Microplate, Auto-analyser
Detection Method:
Wavelength (nm):
Signal Response:
Linear Range:
0.5 to 20 µg of acetaldehyde per assay
Limit of Detection:
0.18 mg/L
Reaction Time (min):
~ 4 min
Application examples:
Wine, champagne, beer, liqueurs, brandy, dairy products (e.g. yogurt), bread, fruit juices, soft drinks, cocoa, vegetable and fruit products, coffee, and other materials (e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.).
Method recognition:
Methods based on this principle have been accepted by MEBAK
The Acetaldehyde test kit is a simple, reliable and accurate method for the measurement and analysis of acetaldehyde in beverages and foodstuffs.
Note for Content: The number of manual tests per kit can be doubled if all volumes are halved. This can be readily accommodated using the MegaQuantTM Wave Spectrophotometer (D-MQWAVE).