qPCR Probe 2x LyoCake Master Mix (freeze-dried)


qPCR Probe 2x LyoCake Master Mix simplifies your PCR setup and can be stored at room temperature. A cool chain is not needed anymore. The Master Mix is freeze-dried and dissolves within a few seconds after addition of the included rehydration buffer.


qPCR Probe 2x LyoCake Master Mix simplifies your PCR setup and can be stored at room temperature. A cool chain is not needed anymore. The Master Mix is freeze-dried and dissolves within a few seconds after addition of the included rehydration buffer.

After rehydration of the LyoCake, only primers, probes and template need to be added as the 2x Master Mix contains all components for a successful and reliable qPCR. This ensures reproducible results, significantly reduces set-up times and the risk of pipetting errors. The robustness of qPCR performance allows the application of this mix in a wide range of PCR applications.  

For research use and further manufacturing.

In case you are aiming to use our RUO products as components or for your development of e.g. an IVD medical device, please contact us.

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