[RI1001] RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor, 20 U/μl, 2000 U x 5


The RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor is a recombinant mammalian RNase inhibitor which possesses very high affinity for eukaryotic pancreatic-type ribonuclease. The RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor forms a 1:1 complex with pancreatic RNase A by noncovalent binding, presenting a noncompetitive inhibitory activity on these pancreatic enzymes. RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor is active against RNase A, RNase B, RNase C but not RNAse H, RNase I, RNase T1, RNase T2, and S1 nuclease. RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor is compatible with RT-PCR enzymes such as AMV, M-MLV and ExcelRT™ Reverse Transcriptase or Taq DNA polymerase.



The RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor is a recombinant mammalian RNase inhibitor which possesses very high affinity for eukaryotic pancreatic-type ribonuclease. The RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor forms a 1:1 complex with pancreatic RNase A by noncovalent binding, presenting a noncompetitive inhibitory activity on these pancreatic enzymes. RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor is active against RNase A, RNase B, RNase C but not RNAse H, RNase I, RNase T1, RNase T2, and S1 nuclease. RNAok™ RNase Inhibitor is compatible with RT-PCR enzymes such as AMV, M-MLV and ExcelRT™ Reverse Transcriptase or Taq DNA polymerase.


  •  cDNA Synthesis
  • in vitro translation
  • in vitro transcription
  • One-step RT-PCR
  • Separation and identification of specific ribonuclease activities

Storage Buffer

40 mM HEPES-KOH (pH 7.5), 100 mM KCl, 8 mM DTT,   0.1 mM EDTA, stabilizer and 50% (v/v) glycerol


-20°C for 24 months 

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