RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Kits




  • Clean-up & concentrate total RNA (including miRNA) in minutes
  • Clean-up & concentrate RNA from TRIzol®, TRI Reagent®, etc
  • Clean-up RNA from contaminants including enzymes, primers, nucleotides
  • Rapid spin-column protocol, elute in 20 µL
  • 96-well format for high throughput processing & Micro-Elute spin column formats for 8 µL are available
  • Purified RNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including Small RNA Sequencing. Find out more information on Norgen’s NGS services
  • Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix

These kits are designed to clean-up and concentrate RNA (including miRNA) from TRIzol® and TRI Reagent®, enzymatic reactions, in vitro transcription, labelling reactions, etc. These are robust kits for all clean-up and concentration purposes for up to 35 µg of RNA in solution. The purified RNA is of the highest purity and integrity, and can be used in a number of downstream applications. These kits purify all sizes of RNA, from large mRNA and ribosomal RNA down to miRNA, siRNA and lncRNA.

RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Kit (Spin Column)

Norgen’s RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Kit provides a rapid method for the purification, cleanup and concentration of up to 35 μg of RNA isolated using different methods including phenol/guanidine-based protocols, and from various upstream enzymatic reactions such as DNase treatment and labeling. The kit elutes RNA in 20 µL. Complete 10 purifications in 20 minutes.

RNA Clean-Up and Concentration 96-Well Kit (High Throughput)

Norgen’s RNA Clean-Up and Concentration 96-Well Kit provides a rapid method for the purification, cleanup and concentration of up to 50 μg of RNA isolated using different methods including phenol/guanidine-based protocols, and from various upstream enzymatic reactions such as DNase treatment and labeling. The kit elutes RNA in 75 µL. Complete 10 purifications in 30 minutes.

RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Micro-Elute Kit (Micro-Elute)

Norgen’s RNA Clean-Up and Concentration Micro-Elution Kit provides a rapid method for the purification, cleanup and concentration of up to 10 μg of RNA isolated using different methods including phenol/guanidine-based protocols, and from various upstream enzymatic reactions such as DNase treatment, labeling and in vitro transcription. This kit is made for eluting RNA in smaller volumes of 8 µL for all types of downstream applications, for the highest concentration of RNA sample. Complete 10 purifications in 20 minutes.



Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 10


Figure 1. Effective Clean-Up to Produce High Quality Total RNA with Complete Size Diversity
Figure 1. Effective Clean-Up to Produce High Quality Total RNA with Complete Size Diversity
Figure 2. Effective Clean-Up to Produce High Quality Total RNA Compatible to Bioanalyzer Analysis
Figure 3. Effective Concentration and Detection of Low Amounts of RNA Input
Figure 4. Effective Clean-Up to Produce High Quality RNA Transcripts
Figure 5. Effective Clean-Up to Produce High Quality RNA Transcripts Compatible to Bioanalyzer Analysis
Figure 6. Excellent Quality of Concentrated RNA
Figure 7. High Recovery of Concentrated RNA
Figure 8. Concentration of Total RNA
Figure 9. Concentration of miRNA
Figure 10. Concentration of RNA prior to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) applications


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Kit Specifications (Spin Column)
Maximum Column Binding Capacity35 μg
Size of RNA PurifiedAll sizes, including small RNA
(<200 nt)
Maximum Amount of Starting Material35 μg of RNA
Minimum Elution Volume20 μL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications20 minutes
Average Recovery≥ 90%

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.

ComponentCat. 23600 (50 preps)Cat. 43200 (100 preps)Cat. 25100 (192 preps)Cat. 61000 (50 preps)
Buffer RL40 mL2 x 40 mL2 x 40 mL40 mL
Wash Solution A38 mL2 x 38 mL2 x 38 mL38 mL
Elution Solution A6 mL2 x 6 mL2 x 20 mL6 mL
Column Activation Solution30 mL
Micro Spin Columns50100
Micro-Elute RNA Spin Columns50
96-Well Plate2
Adhesive Tape4
Collection Tubes5010050
96-Well Collection Plate2
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL)5010050
96-Well Elution Plate2
Product Insert1111

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