RNase activity in a convenient and sensitive fluorimetric assay that delivers results in real time. Great for Quality Testing for RNase contamination of materials and supplies.
RAA uses a novel RNA substrate tagged with a fluorescent reporter molecule (fluor) on one end and a quencher on the other. In the absence of RNases, the physical proximity of the quencher dampens fluorescence from the fluor to extremely low levels. When RNases are present, however, the RNA substrate is cleaved, and the fluor and quencher are spatially separated in solution. This causes the fluor to emit a bright green signal when excited by light of the appropriate wavelength. Fluorescence can be readily detected with a fluorometer. Since the fluorescence of the RAA Substrate increases over time when RNase activity is present, results monitored with a fluorometer can be evaluated kinetically. The sequence of the RAA Substrate has been carefully optimized to detect several RNases, including RNase A, RNase T1, RNase I, micrococcal nuclease, S1 nuclease, mung bean nuclease, and Benzonase.
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iST-104 Individual access PeelASeal Heat Seals
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Product Info
Heat sealing offers a 100% effective method of plate sealing, for complete seal integrity, as well as being quick and cost effective.
Our Individual Access Peel Heat Seal is a laminate seal compatible with polypropylene plates, featuring 96 individual foil seal spots or 12 strips of individual spots on a removable backing.
These seals result in individually sealed tubes/strips, and they can be removed from polypropylene plates by peeling, even with a plate which has been removed directly from -80°C storage.
Individual Access Peel Heat Seal forms a complete seal to a plate enabling very low temperature uses, including very low temperature storage, and high temperature uses, such as PCR (when used with a pressurized heated lid).
The seal demonstrates moderate solvent resistance and can be utilized for short term compound storage at room temperature.
This seal is available as sheets, for use with manual and semi-automated sealers, such as our Semi-Automated Sheet Heat Sealer (using the 59-2005 Individual Access adapter).
Heat sealing offers a 100% effective method of plate sealing, for complete seal integrity, as well as being quick and cost effective.
Lyophilized format designed for room temperature shipping
Available in TaqMan format for analysis
Norgen’s Candida albicans TaqMan PCR Lyophilized Kit is designed for the detection of Candida albicans specific DNA in a real-time PCR based on the use of TaqMan® technology. The lyophilized format is designed to ship the kit at ambient temperature.
Norgen’s Candida albicans TaqMan Lyophilized Probe/Primer and Control Set is designed for the detection of Candida albicans specific DNA in a real-time PCR based on the use of TaqMan® technology. The lyophilized format is designed to ship the kit at ambient temperature.
All kit components should be stored at -20°C upon arrival.
Once reconstituted, repeated thawing and freezing (>2 times) of the Master Mix and Positive Control should be avoided, as this may affect the performance of the assay. If the reagents are to be used only intermittently, they should be frozen in aliquots.
Each kit is provided with 4 tubes of 2X PCR Master Mix and each tube is enough to run 25 reactions. It is not necessary to reconstitute all Master Mix tubes at once. The Master Mix tubes can be reconstituted as and when needed.
All kit components can be stored for 2 years after the date of production without showing any reduction in performance.
The 16S V1-V2 Library Preparation Kit for Illumina consists of the reagents and components required for library preparation of the 16S V1-V2 amplicon libraries to be used for next-generation sequencing on Illumina platforms. All molecular reagents including primers, enzyme mixes, indexes, and buffers are provided. Instructions for PCR clean up with the AMPure XP Magnetic Beads (supplied by customer) are also included for rapid purification of nucleic acid products generated at two steps of the workflow. The library prep workflow could be used for purified DNA inputs from different sources including stool, soil, water, saliva, plant, urine, skin swab, vaginal swab, cheek swab, nasal swab, plasma/serum, tongue swab, gum swab, and others.
The 16S V1-V2 Library Preparation Kit for Illumina has a streamlined procedure that reduces the handling time such that the library prep procedure can be completed in approximately 4 hours (see diagram below). Input DNA is first subjected to targeted PCR to amplify the V1-V2 region of the DNA encoding 16S rRNA. The post-PCR reaction is then cleaned up using AMPure XP beads. Dual index primers are then added using a limited-cycle PCR. The indexed amplicons flanked by 5′ and 3′ barcoded adaptors are then cleaned using AMPure XP beads. The libraries are then ready for quantification, pooling and sequencing.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability Norgen’s 16S V1-V2 Library Prep Kit for Illumina is shipped as one kit box (for the 24 prep kit) or two sub-component kits (for the 96 prep kit). All kits should be stored at -20°C upon arrival.
All kit components should remain stable for at least 1 year when stored at the specified storage conditions.