Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices (50)




  • Reliable and cost-effective
  • Non-invasive, user-friendly sample collection and preservation in one convenient kit
  • Preserved DNA is stable for 2 years at ambient temperature
  • Compatible with any commercial DNA isolation methods including Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kits (Cat. RU45400)
  • Samples are non-infectious and can be handled and shipped safely
  • Shipping accessories can be purchased separately
  • High quality DNA is suitable for sensitive downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, sequencing, SNP analysis, microarrays, RFLP and Southern Blot Analysis

Norgen’s Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices are designed for 1) simple and non-invasive saliva collection and 2) preservation of DNA in saliva samples at ambient temperature. Each of the 50 Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices consists of 3 components:

  • Saliva Collection Funnel and Collection Tube
  • Collection Tube Cap
  • Norgen’s Saliva DNA Preservative contained within a sealed squeezable ampoule

Saliva samples are collected by spitting inside the Collection Funnel which has been assembled with the Collection Tube. After collecting the required volume of saliva the Collection Funnel is removed and the contents of the Preservative Ampoule are then added and mixed with the collected saliva. The Saliva Collection Tube is subsequently sent to the laboratory for DNA isolation and analysis. DNA can be isolated from the preserved saliva samples using Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit (Cat. RU45400). Each of Norgen’s Collection Tubes is labeled with a unique serial number that can be used for secure and anonymous tracking of the sample. The saliva DNA in preserved samples is stable for more than 2 years at room temperature. This kit is ideal for collecting and preserving DNA samples for epidemiological and population studies.

Saliva DNA Preservative

Norgen’s Saliva DNA Preservative is an aqueous storage buffer designed for rapid cellular lysis and subsequent preservation of DNA from fresh specimens. The buffer prevents the growth of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and fungi, and also inactivates viruses allowing the resulting non-infectious samples to be handled and shipped safely. In addition, the buffer eliminates the need to immediately process or freeze samples and allows the samples to be shipped to centralized testing facilities at ambient temperature. The components of the buffer allow samples to be stored for more than 2 years without any detectable DNA degradation.

DNA Isolation from Preservative

Prior to saliva DNA isolation, vortex the Collection Tube containing preserved saliva for 10 seconds and incubate at 55°C for one hour. Saliva DNA can now be isolated from the preserved saliva samples using any commercially available method, including Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit (Cat. RU45400)Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (Cat. RU35200) and Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit (Magnetic Bead System) (Cat. RU55400, RU62900). Also, Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation Reagent Kit (up to 4 mL) (Cat. RU35720) allows for DNA isolation from the preserved saliva samples using an alcohol precipitation method. The purified DNA is of the highest quality and can be used in a number of downstream applications including PCR, NGS and microarray analysis.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 3


Figure 1. Stability of Preserved DNA
Figure 1. Stability of Preserved DNA
Figure 2. GAPDH Real Time PCR Amplification of Saliva DNA from Saliva Samples Stored at Room Temperature from Day 0 up to 24 Months
Figure 3. v3-v4 16s rRNA PCR amplification for Illumina MiSeq 16s rRNA library preparation.


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Kit Specifications
Volume of Saliva Collected2 mL
Volume of Saliva-Preservative Mix4 mL
Preservation TemperatureRoom Temperature
Preservation timeOver 2 years at room temperature

Shelf Life and Handling

  • When stored at room temperature, unused Norgen Saliva Preservative Tubes are stable through to the collect-before date without any reduction in performance. Please see the device insert or tube label for collect-before date.
  • Once collected, saliva is stable for more than 2 years when kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature.
  • The Collection Tube, the Collection Funnel and the Device Container of each Individual Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Device are recyclable.
Kit ComponentsCat. RU49000 (50 Devices)
Individual Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices50
Donor Procedure Flowchart1
Product Insert1
Individual Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Device Contents 
Saliva Collection Funnel and Collection Tube1
Collection Tube Cap1
Preservative Ampoule1
Donor Instructions1

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