Saliva DNA Isolation Kit




This kit provides a fast and simple spin column procedure for isolating genomic DNA from saliva samples collected and preserved using Norgen’s Saliva DNA Collection and Preservation Devices (Cat. RU49000), as well as fresh saliva samples.

Saliva DNA purified using Norgen’s kit is of the highest quality, and is compatible with a number of downstream research applications including PCR, Southern Blot analysis, sequencing and microarray analysis.


Saliva represents an excellent non-invasive alternative to blood collection. Human genomic DNA extracted from buccal epithelial cells and white blood cells found in saliva can be used in various applications in diagnostics. Saliva DNA can be used for the detection of biomarkers to diagnose a disease, follow the diseases progress or monitor the effects of a particular treatment. Saliva DNA can also be used to diagnose particular types of infections. Isolation of DNA from saliva has become an attractive alternative to isolation from blood or tissue due to the fact that sample collection is non-invasive, the samples can be collected by individuals with little training, and no special equipment is required. Norgen’s Saliva DNA Isolation Kit provides a fast and simple procedure for isolating genomic DNA from both preserved saliva samples and fresh saliva samples.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 3


Figure 1. High Quality and Yield of DNA from Saliva Samples.
Figure 1. High Quality and Yield of DNA from Saliva Samples.
Figure 2. Real-time PCR Consistency from Saliva Samples.
Figure 3. Illumina MiSeq 16s rRNA metagenomics data from saliva.


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Kit Specifications
Maximum Saliva Input0.5 mL preserved saliva
0.25 mL fresh saliva
Average Yield from 0.25 mL of Saliva*3 – 7 μg
Average Purity (OD260/280)1.7 – 2.1
Time to Complete 10 Purifications30 minutes

* Average yield will depending on the donor

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 1 year after the date of shipment. The kit contains a ready-to-use Proteinase K, which is dissolved in a specially prepared storage buffer. The buffered Proteinase K is stable for up to 1 year after the date of shipment when stored at room temperature.

ComponentCat. RU45400 (50 preps)
Lysis Buffer F30 mL
Proteinase K in Storage Buffer1.2 mL
Binding Buffer B12 mL
Wash Solution A18 mL
Elution Buffer B15 mL
Spin Columns50
Collection Tubes50
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL)50
Product Insert1

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