Streptococcus agalactiae TaqMan PCR Detection Kits




  • Detection kits for Streptococcus agalactiae
  • Available in TaqMan format for analysis

Mastitis is the single most costly disease of dairy cattle resulting in the reduction of milk yield and quality. The inflammation of the udder is mainly caused by infection of various bacteria. One of such mastitis bacteria, Streptococcus agalactiae, is highly infectious and causes mainly subclinical infections, which are not identified by the herdsman. As a result, S. agalactiae can spread widely within a herd, causing immediate loss due to reduced milk. S. agalactiae is a gram-positive bacteria belonging to the Group B streptococci. Traditional cultural identification of S. agalactiae is based on S. agalactiae being beta-hemolytic as well as presence of group B Lancefield antigen and by its ability to hydrolyze sodium hippurate.

Streptococcus agalactiae TaqMan PCR Kit, 100 reactions

  • Ready to use format, including Master Mix for the target and PCR control to monitor for PCR inhibition and validate the quality
  • Specific Primer and Probe mix for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
  • Primer and Probe mix
  • Positive and negative control to confirm the integrity of the kit reagents

Streptococcus agalactiae TaqMan PCR Probe/Primer Set and Controls, 100 reactions

  • Specific Primer/Probe mix and Positive Control for the pathogen/virus/viroid of interest
  • Nuclease-free water
  • Can be used together with Norgen’s PCR Master Mix (#28007) or customer supplied master mix

For research use only and NOT intended for in vitro diagnostics.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 3


Figure 1. Streptococcus agalactiae TaqMan PCR Kit
Figure 1. Streptococcus agalactiae TaqMan PCR Kit
Figure 2. Streptococcus agalactiae TaqMan PCR Kit
Figure 3. Streptococcus agalactiae TaqMan PCR Kit


Click for expanded view

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All kit components can be stored for 2 years after the date of production without showing any reduction in performance.

All kit components should be stored at -20°C upon arrival.

ComponentCat. TM30650 (100 preps)Cat. TM30610 (100 preps)
MDx TaqMan 2X PCR Master Mix2 x 700 μL
S. agalactiae Primer & Probe Mix280 μL280 μL
S. agalactiae Positive Control150 μL150 μL
Nuclease-Free Water (Negative Control)1.25 mL1.25 mL
Product Insert11

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