Taq 2x PCR Master Mix


Taq 2x PCR Master Mix – ready to use mix simplifies your PCR setup. Only primers and template need to be added as the mix contains all copmponents for a successful and reliable PCR. This ensures reproducible results, significantly reduces set-up times and the risk of pipetting errors. The robustness of PCR performance allows the application of this mix in a wide range of PCR amplifications.


  • Taq 2x PCR Master Mix – ready to use mix simplifies your PCR setup. Only primers and template need to be added as the mix contains all copmponents for a successful and reliable PCR. This ensures reproducible results, significantly reduces set-up times and the risk of pipetting errors. The robustness of PCR performance allows the application of this mix in a wide range of PCR amplifications. For research use and further manufacturing.In case you are aiming to use our RUO products as components or for your development of e.g. an IVD medical device, please contact us.

Broad Amplification Range

Different-sized amplicons from 3 ng of a DNA plasmid were amplified. The use of Taq DNA polymerase resulted in clean and high yield of products, as analysed after PCR on a 0.8% agarose gel.

Faster Detection and Higher Sensitivity

A fragment (64 bp) of the human blood-coagulation factor IIa (F2) was amplified from 20 ng, 2 ng, 200 pg and 20 pg of a human genomic DNA extract. The same experiment was performed in parallel using the Taq DNA polymerase mix from another well-established and known supplier. PCR products were subsequently analysed on a 2.5% agarose gel.

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