Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Kits




  • Isolate all sizes of circulating and exosomal RNA, including microRNA
  • Versatile urine input ranges
  • No phenol extractions
  • No carrier RNA
  • Bind and elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias
  • Concentrate circulating RNA and exosomal RNA into flexible elution volumes
  • Purified RNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including Small RNA Sequencing. Find out more information on Norgen’s NGS services
  • Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix

These kits provide a fast, reliable and convenient method to purify and concentrate high quality, high purity and inhibitor-free cell-free circulating RNA, including exosomal RNA as well as viral RNA from fresh, preserved or frozen urine samples. All components for the purification are provided in one convenient and fast kit for the easy processing of small input volumes of bodily fluids. The purified urine RNA is fully compatible with all downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, methylation-sensitive reverse transcription qPCR, reverse transcription PCR, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension, expression array assays, and NGS.


Recent evidence indicates that cell-free circulating RNA (cf-RNA) including exosomal RNA in urine contains valuable information for the discovery of biomarkers that can help for the early detection of certain cancer types and for monitoring the disease status as well as for the detection of any infectious pathogens. Exosomes can be found in saliva, blood, urine, amniotic fluid and malignant ascitic fluids, among other biological fluids. Evidence has been accumulating recently that these vesicles act as cellular messengers, conveying information to distant cells and tissues within the body. These exosomes may play a functional role in mediating adaptive immune responses to infectious agents and tumours, tissue repair, neural communication and transfer of pathogenic proteins. For this reason exosomal RNAs may serve as biomarkers for various diseases including cancer. The advantage for using urine as a source for cancer biomarkers is that it can be acquired in large quantities without using invasive procedures. In addition, repeated sampling from the same individual is applicable, which facilitates longitudinal studies. There are many advantages favouring the use of urinary nucleic acid for cancer biomarker discovery over blood, tissue samples or other bodily fluids, including: (1) urine is non-infectious for HIV and less infectious for many other pathogens; (2) the profile of urinary nucleic acid is similar to that in plasma or serum but with a lower concentration; (3) Nucleic acid purification from urine is technically much easier because of its low protein concentration (1000-fold lower than blood).

Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Mini Kit

For sample volumes ranging from 250 µL to 2 mL.

Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Midi Kit

For sample volumes ranging from 2 mL to 10 mL. The first column will handle the large volume input of urine that is followed by a concentration on a mini column for a final elution of 50 µL to 100 µL.

Urine Cell-Free Circulating RNA Purification Maxi Kit

For sample volumes ranging from 10 mL to 30 mL. The first column will handle the large volume input of urine that is followed by a concentration on a mini column for a final elution of 50 µL to 100 µL


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 9


Figure 1. Mini Kit Purification of cell-free circulating RNA and exosomal RNA from different urine volumes.
Figure 1. Mini Kit Purification of cell-free circulating RNA and exosomal RNA from different urine volumes.
Figure 2. Mini Kit Linearity of RNA purified from increasing urine volumes.
Figure 3. Mini Kit Determination of the amount of inhibition present in urine cell-free circulating RNA samples when detecting the human miR-21.
Figure 4. Midi Kit Purification of cell-free circulating RNA and exosomal RNA from different urine volumes.
Figure 5. Midi Kit Linearity of RNA purified from increasing urine volumes
Figure 6. Midi Kit Determination of the amount of inhibition present in urine cell-free circulating RNA samples when detecting the human miR-21
Figure 7. Maxi Kit Purification of cell-free Circulating RNA and exosomal RNA from different urine volumes
Figure 8. Maxi Kit Linearity of RNA purified from increasing urine
Figure 9. Maxi Kit Determination of the amount of inhibition present in urine cell-free circulating RNA samples when detecting the human miR-21


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Kit Specifications
Minimum Urine Input10 mL
Maximum Urine Input30 mL
Size of RNA PurifiedAll sizes including miRNA
and small RNA (< 200 nt)
Elution Volume50-100 μL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications40-45 minutes
Average YieldsVariable depending on specimen

*Please check page 6 of the product insert for average yields and common RNA quantification methods.

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These kits are stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. It is recommended to warm Lysis Buffer A for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed.

ComponentCat. 56900 (50 preps)Cat. 57000 (20 preps)Cat. 57100 (10 preps)
Binding Solution K25 mL75 mL1 x 75 mL
1 x 25 mL
Lysis Buffer A30 mL20 mL20 mL
Wash Solution A18 mL18 mL18 mL
Elution Solution A6 mL6 mL6 mL
Mini Spin Columns502010
Midi Spin Columns20
Maxi Spin Columns10
Collection Tubes502010
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL)502010
Product Insert111

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