Urine Exosome Purification Kit




  • Purification and enrichment of intact exosomes from plasma, serum, urine, cell culture media and saliva in less than 30 minutes.
  • Versatile sample input ranging from 250 µL to 30 mL
    • Urine Exosome Purification Mini Kit (250 µL – 1 mL urine)
    • Urine Exosome Purification Midi Kit (2 mL – 10 mL urine)
    • Urine Exosome Purification Maxi Kit (11 mL – 30 mL urine)
  • Exosome purification is based on Norgen’s proprietary resin separating matrix through exosomes’ surface proteins.
  • No precipitation reagents, overnight incubation, protease or coagulant treatments required
  • No time-consuming ultracentrifugation, filtration or special syringes required
  • Purify intact exosomes with a size ranging from 40-200 nm depending on sample input type
  • Purified exosomes are compatible with functional studies.
  • Purified exosomes are free from any protein-bound cell-free circulating RNA
  • Purified exosomes are compatible with NanoSight® or Electron Microscopy for assessing the approximate exosome size range and concentration.
  • Exosomal RNA can be extracted from the purified exosomes using Norgen’s Exosomal RNA Purification technology or any other RNA extraction method.

The Urine Exosome Purification Kits provide a fast, reliable and convenient method to purify and enrich for pure intact exosomes from different urine sample volumes ranging from 250 µL to 30 mL. These kits also allow for the purification of intact extracellular vesicles (EVs) from different urine sample volumes, and these EVs are ready for any downstream application. The purification is based on Norgen’s proprietary resin.

These kits provide a clear advantage over other available methods since they do not require any special instrumentation, ultracentrifugation, precipitation reagents or any protease treatments. More importantly, the purified exosomes will not be contaminated with any other RNA-binding proteins that may contaminate your exosomal RNA, which is essential if studying exosomal RNA gene expression.

NanoSight® Analysis

Exosomes - Nanosight

Exosomes enriched with Norgen’s Urine Exosome Purification Kits can be analyzed using NanoSight® for assessing the approximate exosome size range and concentration.

Exosomal RNA Analysis

Exosomal RNA can be isolated using Norgen’s Exosomal RNA Isolation Kit from exosomes enriched using Norgen’s Urine Exosome Purification Kits for gene expression analysis using RT-qPCR, microarray or NGS and for Biomarker discovery.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 2


Figure 1. Intact exosomes purified from 5 mL using different purification methods.
Figure 1. Intact exosomes purified from 5 mL using different purification methods.
Figure 2. Intact Exosomes were purified from 10 mL urine using Norgen’s Urine Exosome Purification Midi Kit (Cat# 57800) and Ultracentrifugation.


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Kit Specifications
Urine Input (Cat. 57700)250 μL – 1 mL
Urine Input (Cat. 57800)2 mL – 10 mL
Urine Input (Cat. 57900)11 mL – 30 mL
Size of Exosomes Purified40 nm – 150 nm
Elution VolumeVariable depending on the
urine input volume
Time to Complete 10 Purifications15 – 30 minutes

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These kits are stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.

Important Note
Urine samples stored at -70°C, -20°C or at 4°C will develop some precipitation due to the aggregation of some of the highly abundant proteins in urine. Eliminating these precipitates using centrifugation or filtration may cause the loss of exosomes. Furthermore, these precipitates may affect the quality of the purified nucleic acid. We recommend the use of Norgen’s Urine Preservative when collecting urine samples, which is designed for the preservation of nucleic acids and proteins in fresh urine samples at ambient temperatures. The components of the Urine Preservative allow samples to be stored for over 2 years at room temperature with no detected degradation of urine DNA, RNA or proteins. Norgen’s Urine Preservative is available as a liquid format in Norgen’s Urine Preservative Single Dose Ampules, as well as in a dried format in Norgen’s Urine Collection and Preservation Tubes.

ComponentCat. 57700 (50 preps)Cat. 57800 (25 preps)Cat. 57900 (15 preps)
Slurry E12.5 mL12.5 mL12.5 mL
ExoC Buffer8 mL30 mL50 mL
ExoR Buffer12 mL12 mL12 mL
Mini Filter Spin Columns inserted into 2 mL tubes502515
Product Insert111

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