2 Layer Cell Factory One Wide Mouth And One Narrow Mouth
Huayi Cell Factory is a robust and easy-to-use cell culture platform for applications in the production of human and animal vaccines, therapeutic proteins, cell therapy, and gene therapy.
To address the needs of your workflow, We have three kinds of mouth, which is available on most cell culture products to ensure consistent performance from lot to lot and from format to format.
2 Layer Cell Factory One Wide Mouth And One Narrow Mouth
Huayi Cell Factory is a robust and easy-to-use cell culture platform for applications in the production of human and animal vaccines, therapeutic proteins, cell therapy, and gene therapy.
To address the needs of your workflow, We have three kinds of mouth, which is available on most cell culture products to ensure consistent performance from lot to lot and from format to format.
The product assembled with ultrasonic welded technology
Versatile port design facilitates both pouring and aseptic filling techniques
Gamma radiation sterilization
the cell culture surface area
of one 10-layer Cell Factory unit is equivalent to the area
of 36 T-175 flasks
Other Products
R4802 MagZol LS Reagent
Product Info
Product Info
MagZol Reagent is a reagent system for the isolation of total RNA from cells and tissues. The reagent, a single-phase solution consisting of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate, is modification of the single-step RNA isolation method developed by Chomczynski and Sacchi. The sample is homogenized and lysed in MagZol Reagent which maintains the integrity of the RNA, while disrupting and denaturing endogenous RNases and other cellular components. Extraction of the lysate with chloroform further denatures proteins and separates the mixture into an organic and an aqueous phase. RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase, and is subsequently recovered by isopropanol.
This method is suitable for small quantities of tissue (<100mg) and cells (<5 X106), and large quantities of tissue (up to 1g) and cells (<108), of human, animal, plant, or bacterial origin. The simplicity of the MagZol Reagent method allows simultaneous processing of a large number of samples. The entire procedure can be completed in one hour. Total RNA prepared in this manner can be used for Northern blot analysis, dot blot hybridization, poly(A) + selection, in vitro translation, RNase protection assay, and molecular cloning. For use in amplification by thermal cycling, treatment of the isolated RNA with RNase-free DNase I is recommended when the two amplimers lie within a single exon.
Main Functions
Extract RNA from liquid samples by salting out method
RT-PCR, Northern hybridization, poly (a) enrichment, etc.
Purification technology
Acid phenol guanidine isothiocyanate
Process method
Manual (centrifugation)
Sample type
Various liquid samples
Sample amount
Elution volume
Variation with sample size
Time per run
Variation with sample size
Flexible – sample amount can be adjusted according to the demand
Cost performance -the most economical nucleic acid extraction technology
Storage and Stability
MagZol Reagent should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival and is stable for at least 24 months under the condition. However, short-term storage (up to 12 weeks) at room temperature (15-25°C) does not affect its performance.
MagZol Reagent is a reagent system for the isolation of total RNA from cells and tissues. The reagent, a single-phase solution consisting of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate, is modification of the single-step RNA isolation method developed by Chomczynski and Sacchi. The sample is homogenized and lysed in MagZol Reagent which maintains the integrity of the RNA, while disrupting and denaturing endogenous RNases and other cellular components. Extraction of the lysate with chloroform further denatures proteins and separates the mixture into an organic and an aqueous phase. RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase, and is subsequently recovered by isopropanol.
This product is designed for purification of high-molecular-weight genomic or mitochondrial DNA from a variety of blood samples. High-quality DNA can be purified from sample types including whole blood, buffy coat, bone marrow, body fluids in as little as 25 minutes. The convenient, scalable purification procedure removes contaminants and enzyme inhibitors such as proteins and divalent cation, and purified DNA is ready for immediate use in sensitive downstream applications or for archiving.
Main Functions
Isolation total DNA from whole blood using economic salt out method
Cells are lysed with ananionic detergent in the presence of a DNA stabilizer. The DNA stabilizer limits the activity of intracellular DNases and also DNases found elsewhere in the environment. RNA is then removed by treatment with an RNA digesting enzyme. Other contaminants, such as proteins, are removed by salt precipitation. Finally, the genomic DNA is recovered by precipitation with alcohol and dissolved in Buffer TE. Purified DNA typically has an A260/A280 ratio between 1.7 and 1.9, and is up to 200 kb in size. The DNA can be safely stored at 2-8°C, -20°C, or -80°C.
Safe – without phenol chloroform extraction
Environment friendly – the reagents used are safe, non-toxic and without pollution
High molecular weight – the molecular weight of genomic DNA is about 50-150kb
High purity – the purified DNA has A260/280=1.8-1.9, A260/230=2.0-2.5
Unlimited sample size – solution type operation, sample volume can be adjusted at will
Cost performance – the most economical nucleic acid extraction technology
Kit Contents
Purification Volumes
50 ml
300 ml
1000 ml
10 x Buffer RBC
20 ml
100 ml
3 x 100 ml
Buffer WTL
60 ml
350 ml
1000 ml
Buffer PPS
20 ml
120 ml
350 ml
RNase Solution
300 µl
1.8 ml
6 ml
Buffer TE
10 ml
30 ml
120 ml
Storage and Stability
RNase Solution should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival. However, short-term storage (up to 24 weeks) at room temperature (15-25°C) does not affect their performance. The remaining kit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15-25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions. The entire kit can be stored at 2-8°C, but in this case buffers should be redissolved before use. Make sure that all buffers are at room temperature when used.
This product is designed for purification of high-molecular-weight genomic or mitochondrial DNA from a variety of blood samples. High-quality DNA can be purified from sample types including whole blood, buffy coat, bone marrow, body fluids in as little as 25 minutes. The convenient, scalable purification procedure removes contaminants and enzyme inhibitors such as proteins and divalent cation, and purified DNA is ready for immediate use in sensitive downstream applications or for archiving.
Saxitoxins (STXs) are naturally occurring alkaloids produced by some marine dinoflagellates and by strains of various species of freshwater cyanobacteria. Saxitoxin is one of the prevalent paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs). It belongs to a family of potent neurotoxins with a molecular weight around 300 Da. Saxitoxin and its derivatives are alkaloids composed of a tetrahydropurine ring system with a highly polar guanidinium group. Due to their significant toxicity, saxitoxins are closely monitored in marine environments where they can accumulate during harmful algal blooms (HABs). In 2009 an action level of 0.6ppb (600ppt) was recommended by EFSA as a guidance framework have been established to manage saxitoxin levels in water.
Screening of saxitoxin in Freshwater Streams and Source Water samples as low as 70 ppt
Format: 10 tests (5 tests/5 control)
Water Sample Bottles provided
Run Time: 15 Minutes