DBCO-PEG24-Maleimide is a PEG linker containing a DBCO moiety and a terminal primary maleimide group. The maleimide group will react with a thiol group to form a covalent bond, enabling the connection of biomolecule with a thiol. DBCO is commonly used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
DBCO-PEG24-Maleimide is a PEG linker containing a DBCO moiety and a terminal primary maleimide group. The maleimide group will react with a thiol group to form a covalent bond, enabling the connection of biomolecule with a thiol. DBCO is commonly used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
This Rapid Test is for the detection of specific Aspergillus Galactomannan Antigen in Serum or Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL).
This product is manufactured by GaDia Diagnostics in Switzerland and distributed in Germany exclusively by Milenia Biotec.
Immunochromatographic Rapid Test
Range/Assay Sensivity
Test Principle
The principle of the test is colloidal gold immunochromatography. If the sample is positive, the antigens in the sample react with the red-colored nanoparticles and form a complex (Antigen – anti-Aspergillus monoclonal antibodies – gold nanoparticles), which was previously pre-dried on the conjugate pad. The mixture then moves upward on the membrane by capillary action. As the sample flows through the test membrane, the binding conjugate complexes migrate. The anti-Aspergillus antibodies present on the membrane (Test Line) capture the colored conjugate complex and a red line will appear.
Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification Kits (Slurry Format)
Product Info
Product Info
Isolate all sizes of circulating and exosomal RNA, including microRNA
Versatile plasma and serum input volumes
Concentrate circulating and exosomal RNA into small elution volumes
Isolate inhibitor-free circulating and exosomal RNA
Bind and elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias
Available in Spin Column or 96-well plate formats
Process 96-well plates using vacuum or centrifugation
Purified RNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including Small RNA Sequencing. Find out more information on Norgen’s NGS services
Compatible with Streck Cell-Free RNA BCT® Tubes
Purification is based on Norgen’s proprietary resin matrix
These kits are able to isolate all sizes of circulating and exosomal RNA, including microRNA, without the use of phenol or chloroform. The slurry format provides an advantage over other available kits in that it does not require extension tubes for the purification of free-circulating and exosomal RNA from large sample volumes. RNA can be isolated from either fresh or frozen samples using this kit. This kit is suitable for the isolation of RNA from serum or plasma prepared from blood collected only on either EDTA or citrate. Plasma samples prepared from blood collected on heparin should not be used as heparin can significantly interfere with many downstream applications including RT-PCR. The purified plasma/serum free-circulating and exosomal RNA is eluted in an elution solution that is compatible with PCR, qPCR, methylation-sensitive reverse transcription qPCR, reverse transcription PCR, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension, expression array assays, and NGS.
Free-circulating plasma and serum RNA can serve as both tumor- and fetal-specific markers for cancer detection and prenatal diagnosis. As well, free-circulating RNAs have the potential to provide biomarkers for other disease states. Free-circulating RNA in plasma or serum are usually present as short fragments of less than 1000nt, and free-circulating miRNA (21nt) can also be found in plasma and serum.
Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification Kit (Slurry)
Norgen’s Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification Kit (Slurry Format) provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating circulating RNA and exosomal RNA from plasma and serum samples ranging from 0.25 mL to 5 mL.
Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification Mini Kit (Mini Slurry)
Norgen’s Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification Mini Kit (Slurry Format) provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating circulating and exosomal RNA from plasma and serum samples ranging from 0.25 mL to 2 mL.
Norgen’s Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification 96-Well Kit (Slurry Format) provides a high throughput method for isolating circulating and exosomal RNA from plasma and serum samples using either a vacuum manifold or centrifugation.
Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification Maxi Kit (Maxi Slurry)
Norgen’s Plasma/Serum Circulating and Exosomal RNA Purification Maxi Kit (Slurry Format) provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating circulating RNA and exosomal RNA from various amounts of plasma/serum ranging from 2 mL to 5 mL.
Cat.29500 Storage Conditions and Product Stability All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.