Endotoxin Removal Kits- For DNA




  • Reduce endotoxin levels to 0.1 EU/µg DNA or less
  • Available in 3 formats: Mini, Midi, and Maxi to suit your desired input volume
  • Remove endotoxins from up to 1 mg of DNA with the Maxi format kit
  • Fast and easy processing using a rapid spin-column format

These kits are designed for the rapid spin column removal of endotoxins from previously purified DNA. Norgen’s spin columns bind DNA while endotoxins, salts and other contaminants are washed away. These kits reduce endotoxins to 0.1 EU/μg DNA or less providing plasmid DNA that is immediately ready for transfections or other endotoxin-sensitive applications. Typical recovery of DNA is >90% of the starting sample.

Endotoxin Removal Kit (Mini)

This kit is designed for the rapid spin column removal of endotoxins from up to 25 µg of previously purified DNA. The convenient spin column procedure can be completed in approximately 20 minutes.

Endotoxin Removal Kit (Midi)

This kit is designed for the rapid spin column removal of endotoxins from up to 200 μg of previously purified DNA. The convenient spin column procedure can be completed in approximately 30 minutes.

Endotoxin Removal Kit (Maxi)

This kit is designed for the rapid spin column removal of endotoxins from up to 1 mg of previously purified DNA. The convenient spin column procedure can be completed in approximately 30 minutes.

About Endotoxins

Endotoxins (also called lipopolysaccharides), are cell-membrane components of Gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli. Endotoxins are released during the lysis step of plasmid purification and significantly reduce transfection efficiencies in endotoxin sensitive cell lines. Therefore, the removal of endotoxins from plasmid preparations is often necessary prior to the use of the DNA in such downstream applications.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 2


Figure 1.  Efficiently Remove Endotoxins
Figure 1.  Efficiently Remove Endotoxins
Figure 2.  High DNA Recovery


Click for expanded view

Kit Specifications
Maximum DNA Input25 μg
Final Endotoxin Level≤ 0.1 EU/µg DNA
Size of DNA PurifiedUp to 13,000 bp
Maximum DNA Volume Input100 μL
Average Recovery> 90%
Time to Complete 10 Purifications20 minutes

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.

ComponentCat. 22700 (25 preps)Cat. 52200 (10 preps)Cat. 21900 (4 preps)
Buffer SK15 mL60 mL60 mL
Wash Solution H18 mL18 mL18 mL
Elution Buffer I6 mL12 mL12 mL
Endotoxin Removal Solution1.5 mL1.5 mL1.5 mL
Precipitation Solution1.5 mL1.5 mL
Spin Columns (assembled with Collection Tubes)104
Spin Columns25
Collection Tubes25
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL)25
Elution Tubes (15 mL)10
Elution Tubes (50 mL)4
Product Insert111

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