Genomic DNA Isolation Kit




  • Isolate genomic DNA from animal tissues, cells, bodily fluids, viruses and swabs 
  • Rapid and convenient spin column procedure 
  • Purified DNA is of the highest quality and integrity for sensitive downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, genotyping, sequencing and more

This kit is designed for the rapid preparation of genomic DNA from various tissue samples, cultured cells, viruses, bodily fluids and swabs using a rapid spin column protocol. Purified DNA is of an excellent yield and quality, and is immediately ready for any downstream application including PCR, qPCR, genotyping, sequencing and more.  The protocol can be completed in approximately 80 minutes (including incubation time).


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 2


Genomic DNA Isolation Kit Figure 1
Genomic DNA Isolation Kit Figure 1
Genomic DNA Isolation Kit Figure 2


Click for expanded view

Kit Specifications
Column Binding Capacity25 µg
Average Yield:*
HeLa Cells (1 x 106)
Tissue (from 10 mg kidney)
8 µg
10 µg
Maximum Amount of Starting Material:
Animal Tissues
Cultured Cells
Bodily Fluids (blood, saliva)
Viral Suspension
20 mg
3 x 106 cells
150 µL
150 µL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications80 minutes

* Yield will vary depending on the type of sample processed

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
The Proteinase K should be stored at -20°C upon arrival and after reconstitution. All other solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.

ComponentCat. 24700 (50 preps)Cat. 24750 (100 preps)Cat. 24770 (250 preps)
Digestion Buffer A25 mL2 x 25 mL5 x 25 mL
Buffer SK30 mL2 x 30 mL5 x 30 mL
Wash Solution A18 mL2 x 18 mL5 x 18 mL
Elution Buffer B30 mL2 x 30 mL5 x 30 mL
Proteinase K12 mg2 x 12 mg5 x 12 mg
Spin Columns50100250
Collection Tubes50100250
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL)50100250
Product Insert111

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