Exceptional value for money
Rapid detection of all clinically relevant subtypes
Highly specific detection profile
High priming efficiency
Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
Sensitive to < 100 copies of target
Accurate controls to confirm findings
This kit provides a single tube to screen for the presence of high-risk HPV types, HPV16, HPV18, HPV31, HPV33, HPV35, HPV39, HPV45, HPV51, HPV52, HPV56, HPV58, HPV59, HPV66 and HPV68. The multiplex test is detected in two fluorescent channels differentiating between HPV16 / HPV18 which both produce a VIC channel signal and all others which produce a signal in the FAM channel. HPV16 and HPV18 account for 70% of positive findings in clinical practice so it is helpful to know if either of these are present. All other high risk genotypes together make up the remaining 30% of clinical positives and are grouped together into the FAM channel. In this configuration, the kit gives a partial genotyping result and some additional information on which high risk strains are present.
Nucleic acid testing (NAT) is the method of choice for detection and quantification of a wide range of micro organisms. Primerdesign manufactures and supplies high quality quantitative real-time PCR kits for the detection and simultaneous quantification of numerous significant pathogens . A copy number standard curve is provided for quantification and an the internal extraction template (DNA or RNA), controls for the quality of the nucleic acid extraction and eliminates false negative results.
The kit is designed with the broadest possible detection profile to ensure that all clinically relevant strains and subtypes are detected. Target sequences are selected by working with data from key opinion leaders in the field. Multiple sequence alignments and unprecedented real-time PCR expertise in design and validation ensure the best possible kit.
Details of the target and priming specificity are included in the individual handbooks above.
Packaged, optimised and ready to use. Expect Better Data.
Exceptional value for money
Rapid detection of all clinically relevant subtypes
Positive copy number standard curve for quantification
Highly specific detection profile
High priming efficiency
Broad dynamic detection range (>6 logs)
Sensitive to < 100 copies of target
Accurate controls to confirm findings
Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization magnetic beads consist of paramagnetic particles coated with carboxyl groups that reversibly bind DNA. They are used for DNA purification because they are fast, simple and efficient. We have developed our own beads technology that are different from other SPRI beads technologies.
Our Magnetic Beads(DNA & RNA Purification) combines BioDynami’s proprietary chemistries with reversible DNA-binding properties of magnetic beads. The magnetic beads, which are unique from other SPRI beads, are developed for effective nucleic acid purification by removing unwanted components such as salts, dNTPs, enzymes, primers, adapters, and other impurities. The beads are RNase free, can be used for applications of DNA, and even work with more sensitive RNA without any additional cost.
Our magnetic beads are optimized to selectively bind DNA fragments of 100 bp and larger, and RNA fragments of 200 bases and larger, similar to other SPRI beads such as AMPure® XP* and SPRIselect*. Purified DNA and RNA are suitable for downstream applications requiring high quality DNA and RNA, as the purified fragments are free of contaminants and impurities. The beads can be used for NGS library purification, PCR fragment cleanup, molecular cloning, or even nucleic acid concentration.
The beads can also be used for size selection of DNA fragments ranging from 150 bp to 800 bp by changing the bead-to-sample volume ratio and performing single or double-size selection. The beads are an ideal choice for NGS library preparation. They can be easily integrated into the standard workflow of NGS library preparation since the volume ratio is similar for protocols using standard magnetic beads.
Effective recovery of DNA and RNA samples
DNA fragments greater than 100 base pairs
RNA fragments greater than 200 bases
Removal of unwanted components and impurities
Fragment size selection for specific applications
Consistent single or double-size selection
Flexibility: compatible with manual and automated processing
Cost effective alternative to other beads such as AMPure® XP* and SPRIselect* with equivalent performance
* AMPure® XP and SPRIselect are trade marks of Beckman Coulter.
Magnetic beads recovery rate. dsDNA and ssDNA of genomic DNA, 1 kb DNA, and 200 bp DNA fragments were used. Total RNA was also tested.
Comparison of elution volume vs yield. 40 ul , 30 ul, and 20 ul of elution volume were used. BioDynami magnetic beads have better recovery rates at low elution volume when compared to other SPRI beads such as AMPure® XP*.
All-in-one solution for inclusion body protein isolation and purification
Fast and convenient spin column protocol
Complete kit with Cell Lysis Reagent, Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent, buffers and spin columns to purify proteins
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s resin separation matrix
These kits provide everything required to isolate and purify inclusion body proteins from induced bacterial cultures. First a proprietary Cell Lysis Reagent is used to selectively lyse the cells and release inclusion bodies in their solid form. Next, inclusion bodies are dissolved and their contents released using the provided IB Solubilization Reagent. Inclusion body proteins are then further purified using spin columns for rapid and convenient buffer exchange and desalting. This kit provides a convenient way to screen recombinants prior to scaling up.
ProteoSpin™ Inclusion Body Protein Isolation Micro Kit
The process is efficient and streamlined and can process up to 12 samples in only 60 minutes. Each spin column is able to recover up to 50 µg of acidic or basic proteins. Purified recombinant proteins are then ready for SDS-PAGE, 2D gels, Western blots, Mass Spectrometry analysis, and other applications.
ProteoSpin™ Inclusion Body Protein Isolation Maxi Kit
The procedure is efficient and streamlined and can process up to 4 samples in approximately 2 hours. Each spin column is able to recover up to 12 mg of acidic or basic proteins from 100 mL of induced bacterial culture. Purified recombinant proteins are then ready for SDS-PAGE, 2D gels, Western blots, Mass Spectrometry analysis, and other applications.
About Inclusion Bodies
Bacteria are widely used for the expression of different proteins. However, 70-80% of the proteins expressed in bacteria by recombinant techniques are typically contained in insoluble inclusion bodies (i.e., protein aggregates). The protein of interest found in these subcellular structures is often inactive, due to incorrect folding. The production rate of recombinant proteins stored in inclusion bodies is invariably higher than those synthesized as soluble proteins. The reason behind this is thought to be the resistance of insoluble proteins to proteolysis by cellular enzymes. In addition, separation of insoluble recombinant proteins in inclusion bodies is considerably easier than that of soluble proteins. These factors have been the major influences favoring scale-up of high-value proteins using bacterial fermentation for example. Procedures for the purification of the expressed proteins from inclusion bodies are often labour-intensive, time-consuming and not cost-effective. This kit provides the essential reagents for cell disruption, inclusion body solubilization and purification using spin column chromatography – all optimized to work together thereby simplifying the process and saving a tremendous amount of time and cost.
The Cell Lysis Reagent and IB Solubilization Reagent should be stored at 4°C upon receipt of this kit. All other solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. Once opened, the solutions should be stored at 4°C when not in use except for the pH Binding Buffers (Acidic and Basic). Some precipitation will occur with 4°C storage. This precipitation should be dissolved with slight heating to room temperature before using.
Cat. 10300 (Micro – 25 preps)
Cat. 17700 (Maxi – 4 preps)
Wash Solution C
30 mL
130 mL
Wash Solution N
30 mL
130 mL
Binding BUffer A
4 mL
20 mL
Binding Buffer N
4 mL
20 mL
Elution Buffer C
8 mL
2 x 30 mL
Protein Neutralizer
4 mL
4 mL
Cell Lysis Reagent
15 mL
110 mL
IB Solubilization Reagent
2 mL
50 mL
Syringes, 1cc, slip tip
Needles (Bev, 20G x 1 inch)
Syringes, 10 mL, Luer-Lok™ Tip
Needles (18G x 1.5 inch)
Micro Spin Columns
Maxi Spin Columns (filled with SiC) inserted into 50 mL collection tubes