N-(Propargyl-PEG2)-DBCO-PEG3-NHS ester is a PEG linker with a terminal NHS ester to perform facile reactions with amine groups of molecules as well as a propargyl to react with azides to form a triazole. The DBCO can participate in copper-free Click Chemistry reactions.
N-(Propargyl-PEG2)-DBCO-PEG3-NHS ester is a PEG linker with a terminal NHS ester to perform facile reactions with amine groups of molecules as well as a propargyl to react with azides to form a triazole. The DBCO can participate in copper-free Click Chemistry reactions.
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SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19
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We accelerate RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 detection and make Covid-19 research easier!
The Volcano product family supports this goal with optimized reaction components for sensitive and reliable results. The key driver is an engineered, truly thermostable Taq DNA polymerases with reverse transcriptase activity. Have a look at the products or contact us directly for support optimizing your products:
Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix contains all components required for general RT-qPCR. (to the product)
RevTaq RT-PCR DNA polymerase RevTaq RT-PCR DNA polymerase has RNA-dependent (reverse transcriptase) and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity. It is a thermostable DNA polymerase suitable for RT-PCR. (to the product)
Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (with SARS-CoV-2 Research Components) If you are interested in sourcing a Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix with components needed for SARS-CoV-2 research, please contact us.
The Volcano product family supports this goal with optimized reaction components for sensitive and reliable results. The key driver is an engineered, truly thermostable Taq DNA polymerases with reverse transcriptase activity. Have a look at the products or contact us directly for support optimizing your products:
t-Boc-N-Amido-PEG6-propargyl can be used in copper catalyzed Click Chemistry reactions with azides. The Boc group can be removed under mild acidic conditions to yield the free amine. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
t-Boc-N-Amido-PEG6-propargyl can be used in copper catalyzed Click Chemistry reactions with azides. The Boc group can be removed under mild acidic conditions to yield the free amine. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
CE-IVD marked in accordance with EU Directive 98/79/EC
Ideal for use in in vitro diagnostic workflows
Unlike other methods, Norgen’s Urine DNA Isolation Kit (Slurry Method) does not require any additional urine concentrating devices
Fast processing time
Purify both genomic and apoptotic DNA with one protocol
Isolate DNA from 3 mL to 25 mL of urine
Allows for purification of viral DNA from urine also
Available in Spin Column and 96-well format
This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from urine volumes ranging from 3 mL to 25 mL. Both high molecular weight DNA (greater than 1 kb in size; mostly cell associated) and the smaller DNA (150 – 250 bp; derived from the circulation) is effectively isolated and purified with a rapid and convenient spin column protocol. Multiple samples can be processed in 45 minutes. Salts, metabolic wastes, proteins and other contaminants are removed to yield inhibitor-free DNA for use in sensitive applications such as PCR, qPCR, DNA fingerprinting, methylation studies and more. This kit can also be used to isolate DNA from a broad range of viruses.
Norgen’s Urine DNA Isolation Kit Dx (Slurry Format) does not provide a diagnostic result. It is the sole responsibility of the user to use and validate the kit in conjunction with a downstream in vitro diagnostic assay.
NOTE: This product is not available for sale in the United States.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. All solutions and plastics can be used until the expiration date specified on their labels. It is recommended to warm Solution A and Solution B for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed