Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation Kits




  • Rapid and simple procedure
  • Excellent quality and yield of DNA
  • Process a broad spectrum of plant species and filamentous fungi
  • Isolate total DNA including pathogen DNA without phenol 
  • Available in spin column format and 96-well format for high throughput applications

These kits provide a rapid method for the isolation and purification of total DNA from a wide range of plant and fungal species. Total DNA, including genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA can be purified from fresh or frozen plant tissues, plant cells or fungi samples using this kit. Purified DNA samples can be used for the detection of viral pathogens, as viral DNA is isolated with the plant/fungi DNA. The purified DNA is of the highest integrity, and can be used in a number of downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, SNP, Southern blotting and sequencing.

Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation Kit (Spin Column)

Complete 10 purifications in 45 minutes. This kit offers a maximum loading volume of 650 μL per column, and a maximum binding capacity of 50 μg per column.

Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (High Throughput)

For high throughput applications. Purification with the 96-well plates can be integrated with a robotic automation system. Complete 96 purifications in 50 minutes. This kit offers a maximum loading volume of 500 μL per well, and a maximum binding capacity of 50 μg per well.

Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation Kit (Magnetic Bead System)

The DNA is bound to the surface of the magnetic beads under optimized buffer conditions and released using a low salt buffer system. The Plant DNA Isolation Kit (Magnetic Bead System) can be easily adapted to automated magnetic bead separation instruments and work stations.

Plant/Fungi DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (High Throughput Magnetic Bead System)

For high throughput applications. Purification with the 96-well plates can be integrated with a robotic automation system.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 7


Figure 1.  Isolate DNA from a Wide Range of Plants
Figure 1.  Isolate DNA from a Wide Range of Plants
Figure 2.  High Quality DNA
Figure 3. DNA isolated from four different plant species
Figure 4. High DNA Quality (A260/280)
Figure 5. High Plant DNA Quality
Figure 6. DNA Isolated From Plant Tissue
Figure 5. High DNA Quality Confirmed By Real-time PCR


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Kit Specifications – Spin Column
Column Binding Capacity50 μg
Maximum Column Loading Volume650 μL
Maximum Amount of Starting Material:Plant TissuesFungi (wet weight)100 mg
100 mg
Average Yields*
50 mg Tomato Leaves
50 mg Grape Leaves
50 mg Peach Leaves
50 mg Plum Leaves
50 mg Pine Needles
Botrytis cinerea (50 mg wet weight)
Fusarium sp. (50 mg wet weight)
Aspergillus niger (50 mg wet weight)
18 µg
10 µg
10 µg
10 µg
5 µg
1.5 µg
2 µg
4 µg
Time to Complete 10 Purifications 45 minutes

* Average yields will vary depending upon a number of factors including species, growth conditions used and developmental stage.

* Average yields will vary depending upon a number of factors including species, growth conditions used and developmental stage. 

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature, except for the RNAse which should be stored at -20°C. This kit is stable for 1 year after the date of shipment.

Select Plants and Fungi that can be used with the Plant/Fungi DNA Purification Kits

PlantsPlants (Cont’d)Fungi
TomatoTurnipAspergillus niger
GrapeChinese CabbageMucor racemosus
PeachRadishCladosporium cladosporioides
PlumKomatsunaFusarium oxysporum
Pine NeedlesApricotPenicillium sp.
RaspberrySweet PotatoBotrytis cinerea (Botryotinia fuckeliana)
StrawberryHydrangeaPichia sp.
LegumesFigRhizopus oryzae
Prosopis cineraria (Ghaf)TurfAlternaria tenuissima
Sorghum grassCherryFusarium sp.
Corn seedHansen 
Sunflower seedPistachio 
Olive seed  
Soybean seed  
ComponentCat. 26200 (50 preps)Cat. 26250 (250 preps)Cat. 26900 (192 preps)Cat. 58200 (50 preps)Cat. 62400 (192 preps)
Lysis Buffer L30 mL1 x 30 mL
2 x 60 mL
2 x 60 mL60 mL2 x 60 mL
Binding Buffer I7 mL1 x 7 mL
1 x 25 mL
25 mL7 mL25 mL
Solution WN18 mL1 x 18 mL
1 x 55 mL
55 mL18 mL55 mL
Wash Solution A38 mL2 x 38 mL2 x 38 mL
Elution Buffer B15 mL30 mL30 mL8 mL30 mL
RNAse A1 vial (80 μL)5 vials (5 x 80 μL)1 vial1 vial1 vial
Magnetic Bead Suspension4 x 1.1 mL2 x 8.5 mL
Filter Columns50250
Spin Columns50250
Collection Tubes100500
96-Well Plate22
96-Well Collection Plate2
Adhesive Tape42
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL)5025050
96-Well Elution Plate22
Product Insert11111

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