PlexTaq® 5x qPCR Multiplex Master Mix


All in One. All the flexibility you need in a 5x Master Mix for multiplexing applications. NOW LYO READY!

+ Sensitive. More free volume. 5x concentration allows more volume for target specific primers and probes (multiplexing).
+ Robust. Uniform amplification. Up to 30 target multiplexing in real-time (customer feedback).
+ Fast TTR. No extraction needed. Reliable results with crude samples without extraction step, like blood.
+ Specific. No false amplification. Engineered Taq DNA polymerase more stable at room temperature. Aptamer-based hot-start prevents false amplification and provides a fast-start function.


  • All in One. All the flexibility you need in a 5x Master Mix for multiplexing applications. NOW LYO READY!+ Sensitive. More free volume. 5x concentration allows more volume for target specific primers and probes (multiplexing).
    Robust. Uniform amplification. Up to 30 target multiplexing in real-time (customer feedback). 
    Fast TTR. No extraction needed. Reliable results with crude samples without extraction step, like blood.
    Specific. No false amplification. Engineered Taq DNA polymerase more stable at room temperature. Aptamer-based hot-start prevents false amplification and provides a fast-start function.   
    Lyo ready. Contains all necessary excipients needed for freeze-drying. Can be used for lyophilization. Enables RT storage and shipping once dried. Can be freeze-dried by us. Learn MoreFor research use and further manufacturing. Designed and manufactured under ISO13485.

Exemplary tetraplex PCR assay

Detection of three specific pathogen targets and an internal control. Total input DNA per reaction was 10^6 (red), 10^5 (yellow), 10^4 (blue), 10^3 (green), 10^2 (purple), 10 (light blue) and 0 copies (grey) and 8000 copies/reaction for the internal control (shown in the CY5 plot).

Multiplex PCR detection of various amounts. Tetraplex fashion. ROX, Cy5, FAM and VIC channel

5x Multiplex – robust PCR perforemance for a wide range of qPCR application

PlexTaq 5x qPCR Multiplex Master Mix contains all components necessary for rapid, sensitive and reproducible quantification of DNA and cDNA. An engineered DNA polymerase and an optimized buffer including ultrapure dNTPs are key components of the ready to use mix. A hot-start formulation of the included DNA polymerase prevents aptamer prevents false amplification and provides a fast start function. 

PlexTaq®´s formulation allows to use it also for direct PCRs from crude samples.

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