Propargyl-PEG9-amine has a propargyl group and an amine group. The amine group reacts with carboxylic acids, activated NHS esters, carbonyls (ketone, aldehyde) to form amide bonds. The propargyl group reacts with azides to form triazole linkage with the presence of copper as a catalyst. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Propargyl-PEG9-amine has a propargyl group and an amine group. The amine group reacts with carboxylic acids, activated NHS esters, carbonyls (ketone, aldehyde) to form amide bonds. The propargyl group reacts with azides to form triazole linkage with the presence of copper as a catalyst. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Other Products
ProteoSpin™ Urine Protein Concentration Kits
Product Info
Product Info
Simultaneous concentration, desalting and buffer exchange of total urinary proteins
No molecular weight cutoff allows for isolation of all sizes of proteins and peptides
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s resin separation matrix
These kits concentrate urine proteins while simultaneously removing salts, urea, and other urine contaminants. There is no molecular weight cut-off and therefore the columns capture total urinary proteins and peptides of all sizes making them ideal for biomarker discovery work, differential expression of proteins in various diseases, or other diagnostic research. The columns are convenient, rapid and easy to use and thus offer significant time savings over classic dialysis protocols. The resulting high-quality protein sample is concentrated and free from the original sample salts, thus preparing the sample conveniently for downstream proteomic applications including SDS-PAGE, 2D Gels, MALDI-TOF, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, whole protein mass spectrometry, western blotting, protein microarrays, and more.
ProteoSpin™ Urine Protein Concentration Micro Kit
Each spin column is able to concentrate and desalt up to 200 μg of urine proteins. Twelve samples can be processed in 20 minutes.
ProteoSpin™ Urine Protein Concentration Midi Kit
The ProteoSpin™ Urine Protein Concentration Midi Kit provides a fast and simple procedure for concentrating dilute solutions of urine proteins from 1 to 5 mL inputs of urine. Each mini spin column is able to concentrate and desalt up to 3 mg of urine proteins in 30 minutes.
ProteoSpin™ Urine Protein Concentration Maxi Kit
The ProteoSpin™ Urine Protein Concentration Maxi Kit provides a fast and simple procedure for concentrating dilute solutions of urine proteins from 2 to 20 mL inputs of urine. Each maxi spin column is able to concentrate and desalt up to 4 mg of urine proteins in 45 minutes.
*Yield will depend on the health status of the donor.
Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. Once opened, the solution should be stored at 4°C. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.
Cat. 17400 (25 preps)
Cat. 52300 (10 preps)
Cat. 21600 (4 preps)
Wash Solution C
60 mL
60 mL
130 mL
Binding Buffer A
4 mL
4 mL
8 mL
Elution Buffer C
8 mL
30 mL
30 mL
Protein Neutralizer
4 mL
4 mL
4 mL
Micro Spin Columns
Midi Spin Columns (assembled with collection tubes)
Maxi Spin Columns (assembled with collection tubes)
EXTRAClean Urine Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Kits
Product Info
Product Info
Ensure optimal results for sensitive applications like NGS
Up to a tenfold increase in microRNA mapping during sequencing runs to reduce costs
Purification and enrichment of intact urinary exosomes for functional studies.
Bind and elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias.
Isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA, irrespective of size or GC content, without bias.
No phenol extractions, Proteinase K treatment, nor carrier RNA required.
No time-consuming ultracentrifugation, filtration nor special syringes are required.
No precipitation reagents nor overnight incubation required.
Compatible with urine from any species.
Pure exosomes are purified and are free-from any other RNA-binding proteins.
Purification is based on EXTRAClean spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix.
Norgen’s EXTRAClean Urine Exosome Purification and RNA Isolation Mini Kit constitutes an all-in-one system for the purification of exosomes and the subsequent isolation of RNA from different urine sample volumes ranging from 250 μL to 1 mL. The purification is based on spin column chromatography that employs Norgen’s proprietary resin. The EXTRAClean columns undergo stringent processing and rigorous quality control measures to minimize contamination traces, ensuring optimal results for sensitive applications such as NGS. The kit is designed to isolate all sizes of RNA, including microRNA. The kit provides a clear advantage over other available kits in that it does not require any special instrumentation, protein precipitation reagents, extension tubes, phenol/chloroform or protease treatments. Moreover, the kit allows the user to elute into a flexible elution volume ranging from 50 μL to 100 μL. The purified RNA is free from any protein-bound circulating RNA and of the highest integrity. The purified RNA can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time PCR, reverse transcription PCR, NGS application, Northern blotting, RNase protection and primer extension, and expression array assays.
All sizes, including miRNA and small RNA (< 200 nt)
Elution Volume
50-100 μL
Time to Complete 10 Purifications
35-40 minutes
Average Yields
Variable depending on specimen
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. It is recommended to warm Lysis Buffer A for 20 minutes at 60°C if any salt precipitation is observed.
Attogene’s 0.5mL Micro Spin Desalting Columns are convenient, simple, and ready to be used out of the box. We provide a product that facilitates equal, if not superior results to leading brands products at a significantly better cost. Superlative recovery of proteins and other macromolecules (>7000 MW) with greater than 95% retention of salts, and other small molecules (<1000 MW), are possible even with very dilute (25 ug/mL) samples. Our columns, which are constructed with a simple break away tab at the bottom, are comprised of polypropylene and contain our own proprietary resin slurry that we’ve developed in house to achieve optimal results. Sample volumes between 30-130uL can be loaded while still achieving expected purification numbers.