Sulfo DBCO-Maleimide a water-soluble sulfhydryl reactive containing a maleimide group and a DBCO moiety. Maleimide group specifically and efficiently reacts with thiols to form stable thioether bonds. The low mass weight will add minimal spacer to modified molecules and will enable simple and efficient incorporation of DBCO moiety onto cysteine-containing peptides or other thiol-containing biomolecules. DBCO is commonly used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Sulfo DBCO-Maleimide a water-soluble sulfhydryl reactive containing a maleimide group and a DBCO moiety. Maleimide group specifically and efficiently reacts with thiols to form stable thioether bonds. The low mass weight will add minimal spacer to modified molecules and will enable simple and efficient incorporation of DBCO moiety onto cysteine-containing peptides or other thiol-containing biomolecules. DBCO is commonly used for copper-free Click Chemistry reactions. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Attogene’s Lead Rapid Lab Lateral Flow Kit can be used for the screening of Lead in water and food samples at greater than or equal to 10 ppb in a laboratory setting. Unlike the field-based kit, the lab kit is intended for a more technical end user who will be evaluating samples in a laboratory setting.
Lead contamination is a serious worldwide environmental problem. As it is difficult to detoxify by chemical or biological methods, gradual Lead ion accumulation in the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the human body can subsequently cause serious diseases. Long-term health consequences of drinking Lead-contaminated food and water include brain, heart, kidney, lungs and immune system problems for adults, and the physical and mental development delays in infants and children. Attogene’s Lead Lateral Flow test gives results conforming of 10ppb or greater in 5-15 minutes.
This is a revolutionary product designed to make Lead testing in easy and affordable. This fast screening test kit contains 10 tests with everything needed for accurate results of unsafe lead levels. With reliable results in only 10 minutes, this test kit clearly gives results confirming Lead in water and conforming to the EPA guideline of 15 ppb (µg/L).
Sample Collection:
1. Take a first-draw sample
Immediately after opening a faucet or valve, collect a 250 mL sample. This sample should be from each tap used for consumption.
2. Take a flush sample
If first-draw sample results show elevated lead levels of 5 ppb or higher, collect a flush sample. To do this, ensure water has not been used for between 8 to 18 hours, then collect the sample at 30 seconds.
3. Take sequential samples
If you want to test a lead service line, collect 8 to 10 sequential samples, depending on how far the line is from the tap.
Standards and Regulations and recommendations for Lead
High Blood lead levels (i.e., greater than 700ppb) can cause serious health effects, including seizure, coma, and death. Blood levels as low as 100ppb have been associated with adverse effects on cognitive development, growth, and behavior among children aged 1-5 years.
Screening of Lead in water samples at 5-10 ppb
Format: 10 tests (5 tests/5 controls)
Run Time: 15 Minutes
Attogene’s Mercury Lateral Flow Kit can be used for the screening of Mercury in water and food (fish) samples at 10 ppb in a laboratory setting. Unlike the field-based kit, the lab kit is intended for a more technical end user who will be evaluating samples in a laboratory setting. The instructions include method for extraction from food samples.
Mercury contamination is a serious worldwide environmental problem. As it is difficult to detoxify by chemical or biological methods, gradual Mercury ion accumulation in the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the human body can subsequently cause serious diseases. Long-term health consequences of drinking Mercury-contaminated food and water include brain, heart, kidney, lungs and immune system problems for adults, and the physical and mental development delays in infants and children. Attogene’s Mercury Lateral Flow test gives results conforming of 10ppb or greater. Using the supplied pipette, simply fill the vial with your water sample, place the water into the sample port and wait 5 minutes.
With the development of molecular biology, stool, a new non-invasive sample, has been widely used in the research of animal molecular genetics, population ecology, behavioral ecology and some intestinal disease diagnosis. Stool samples includes gut microbial DNA, food residue sample DNA, and alimentary tract exfoliated cell DNA.
The primary problem encountered when using stool sample for molecular biology research is the low content of exfoliated cells in the digestive tract and a certain degree of degradation of genetic material in stool. Another issue in molecular scatology research based on PCR is the presence of a large number of inhibitors in stool that can affect Taq enzyme activity, leading to downstream detection inactivation. These inhibitors include polysaccharides, plant polysaccharides, bile acids, bile salts, bile pigments, digestive juices, mucus, etc. Therefore, selecting appropriate extraction methods to obtain high-quality DNA is the key to successful downstream detection of stool DNA.
At present, the pretreatment methods used in the laboratory, such as phenol/chloroform extraction, cetyltrimethyl bromide (CTAB) lysis, and guanidine isothiocyanate lysis, lack universality in different species, and the success rate of extracting DNA for PCR amplification is also very low. The HiPure Stool DNA Kit provided by Magen Company has opened up a new approach for DNA extraction from stool samples with good universality, high cost-effectiveness, high yield and purification. The reagent kit adopts a unique solution system and inhibitory factor adsorbent, which can efficiently remove various impurities in stool samples. The purified DNA can be directly used for PCR, quantitative PCR and other applications.
This product allows rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from various stool samples. Up to 100 mg soil samples can be processed in 60 minute. The system combines the reversible nucleic acid binding properties of HiPure matrix with the speed and versatility of spin column technology to eliminate PCR inhibiting compounds such as humic acid from soil samples. Purified DNA is suitable for PCR, restriction digestion, and next-generation sequencing. There are no organic extractions thus reducing plastic waste and hands-on time to allow multiple samples to be processed in parallel.
Main Functions
Isolation total DNA from 50-100mg stool samples
PCR, Southern Blot, enzyme digestion and NGS, etc.
Purification method
Mini spin column
Purification technology
Silica technology
Process method
Manual (centrifugation or vacuum)
Sample type
Sample amount
Elution volume
Time per run
≤60 minutes
Liquid carrying volume per column
Binding yield of column
Stool sample is homogenized and then treated in a specially formulated buffer containing detergent to lyse bacteria, yeast, and fungal samples. Humic acid, proteins, polysaccharides, and other contaminants are removed using our proprietary Absorber Solution. Binding conditions are then adjusted and the sample is applied to a DNA Mini Column. Two rapid wash steps remove trace contaminants and pure DNA is eluted in low ionic strength buffer. Purified DNA can be directly used in downstream applications without the need for further purification.
High purity – unique adsorbent can completely remove inhibitory factors
High concentration – maximum extraction of total DNA from stool samples
High recovery – DNA can be recovered at the level of PG
Good repeatability – silica technology can obtain ideal results every time
Kit Contents
Purification Times
50 Preps
HiPure DNA Mini Columns II
2ml Collection Tubes
2ml Bead Tubes
Proteinase K
24 mg
Protease Dissolve Buffer
1.8 ml
Buffer SPL
40 ml
Buffer PCI
40 ml
Buffer AL
20 ml
Buffer GW1
22 ml
Buffer GW2
20 ml
Buffer AE
15 ml
Storage and Stability
Proteinase K and Buffer PCI should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival. However, short-term storage (up to 12 weeks) at room temperature (15-25°C) does not affect their performance. The remaining kit components can be stored at room temperature (15-25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions. The entire kit can be stored at 2–8°C, but in this case buffers should be redissolved before use. Make sure that all buffers are at room temperature when used.
With the development of molecular biology, stool, a new non-invasive sample, has been widely used in the research of animal molecular genetics, population ecology, behavioral ecology and some intestinal disease diagnosis. Stool samples includes gut microbial DNA, food residue sample DNA, and alimentary tract exfoliated cell DNA.