Urine DNA Isolation Kits




  • Rapid isolation of both small and large species of DNA from urine
  • Convenient spin column format
  • Effective removal of PCR inhibitors
  • Purified DNA is highly suited to sensitive downstream applications
  • Allows for the purification of viral DNA from urine

Both high molecular weight DNA (greater than 1 kb in size; mostly cell associated) and the smaller DNA (150 – 250 bp; derived from the circulation) is effectively isolated and purified using a rapid and convenient spin column protocol. This kit can be used to isolate DNA from a broad range of viruses in urine as well. Salts, metabolic wastes, proteins and other contaminants are removed to yield inhibitor-free DNA for use in sensitive applications. The DNA is of excellent quality for various downstream applications such as PCR, qPCR and DNA fingerprinting, methylation studies and more.

This kit is fully compatible with Norgen’s Urine Collection and Preservation Tubes.

Urine DNA Isolation Kit

This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from urine volumes ranging from 50 μL to 1.75 mL of urine. Multiple samples can be processed in 30 minutes.

Urine DNA Isolation Kit (Slurry Format)

This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from urine volumes ranging from 3 mL to 25 mL. Multiple samples can be processed in 30 minutes. Multiple samples can be processed in 45 minutes.

Urine DNA Isolation Maxi Kit (Slurry Format)

This kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from urine volumes ranging from 25 mL of urine up to 80 mL. Multiple samples can be processed in 45 minutes.


DNA found in urine can be divided into 2 basic categories. The larger species, genomic-DNA (gDNA), is generally greater than 1 kb in size, and appears to be derived mainly from exfoliated cells. The second species is smaller, generally between 150 and 250 bp (apoptotic-DNA), and derives, at least in part, from the circulation. The second species is also considered as an RNA/DNA hybrid as reported by Halicka et al. (2000). Both types of DNA can be isolated reliably using this kit.


Supporting Data

Figure 1 / 8


Figure 1. A Typical Agarose Gel Showing Total Urinary DNA
Figure 1. A Typical Agarose Gel Showing Total Urinary DNA
Figure 2. Isolation and Detection of DNA from 1.75 mL Urine Samples
Figure 3. Circulating DNA Isolated from Urine
Figure 4. Isolation of Total Urinary DNA from Different Urine Volumes
Figure 5. Isolation and Detection of DNA from Different Urine Volumes
Figure 6. Highly Sensitive Isolation of Viral DNA
Figure 7. Total Urinary DNA Isolated from Different Urine Volumes
Figure 8. Linear Decrease of Ct Values with Increasing Urine Input


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Kit Specifications
Volume of Urine Processed1.75 mL
Average Yield*Up to 50 ng
Size of DNA PurifiedLarge (> 1 kb)
and small (150-250 bp)
Time to Complete 10 Purifications30 minutes hands-on time
(plus a 1 hour incubation)

* Yield will vary depending on the type of sample processed

Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All buffers should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment. The kit contains a ready-to-use Proteinase K, which is dissolved in a specially prepared storage buffer. The buffered Proteinase K is stable for up to 2 years after the date of shipment when stored at room temperature.

ComponentCat. 18100 (50 preps)Cat. 48800 (50 preps)Cat. 50100 (50 preps)
Binding Solution K15 mL
Slurry B118 mL18 mL
Proteinase K in Storage Buffer2 mL
Pronase K in Storage Buffer2 mL
Soluton WN9 mL
Binding Buffer A50 mL
Lysis Buffer A30 mL30 mL
Wash Solution A38 mL38 mL
Wash Solution B30 mL
Wash Solution D9 mL
Binding Solution K15 mL
Elution Buffer B15 mL15 mL15 mL
Micro Spin Columns50
Mini Filter Spin Columns5050
Collection Tubes505050
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL)100100100
Product Insert111

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