AccuBand™ 50 bp DNA Ladder II is composed of 13 individual DNA fragments, presenting 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 and 50 bp sharp bands respectively. This product contains 2 enhanced bands (500 bp and 250 bp) for easy band identification. AccuBand™ 50 bp DNA Ladder II is ready-to-use, containing loading buffer with a tracking dye (orange G). AccuBand™ 50 bp DNA Ladder II provides a sufficient amount of DNA for clear observation of all DNA bands ranging from 50 bp to 1 kb, either in agarose gel or in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
AccuBand™ 50 bp DNA Ladder II is composed of 13 individual DNA fragments, presenting 1k, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 and 50 bp sharp bands respectively. This product contains 2 enhanced bands (500 bp and 250 bp) for easy band identification. AccuBand™ 50 bp DNA Ladder II is ready-to-use, containing loading buffer with a tracking dye (orange G). AccuBand™ 50 bp DNA Ladder II provides a sufficient amount of DNA for clear observation of all DNA bands ranging from 50 bp to 1 kb, either in agarose gel or in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Sharp bands
Suitable for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Quick reference— enhanced bands
Ready-to-use— premixed with loading dye for direct loading
Stable— room temperature storage over 6 months
Phenol extracted PCR products and dsDNA digested with specific restriction enzymes, equilibrated in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) and 10 mM EDTA.
50 ~ 1,000 bp
55.5 µg/ 500 µl
Recommended loading volume
5 µl/ well
Room temperature for 6 months 4°C for 12 months -20°C for 36 months
Other Products
Blood DNA Isolation Kits
Product Info
Product Info
High yield and high purity DNA ready for any application
Available in a variety of formats to properly suit your needs
Compatible with blood collected on a variety of commercially available tubes
These kits allow for the isolation of DNA from the blood of various species, including humans and will recover genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA, viral DNA and bacterial DNA. The purified DNA is of excellent quality and yield and completely compatible with any downstream application including PCR, qPCR and genotyping.
Blood DNA Isolation Mini Kit
Norgen’s Blood DNA Isolation Mini Kit is designed for the rapid preparation of DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood using a rapid spin column protocol. Preparation time for a single sample is less than 30 minutes and each kit contains sufficient materials for 50 preparations.
Blood DNA Isolation Midi Kit
Norgen’s Blood DNA Isolation Kit is designed for the rapid spin column preparation of DNA from 0.3 to 2 mL volumes of whole blood. Preparation time for a single sample is less than 30 minutes, and each kit contains sufficient materials for 20 preparations.
Blood DNA Isolation Maxi Kit
This kit is designed for the rapid preparation of DNA from 3 mL up to 10 mL of whole blood. Preparation time for a single sample is less than 30 minutes.
Blood DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (High Throughput)
This kit provides a rapid method for the high-throughput isolation of DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood. Fast and easy processing using either a vacuum manifold or centrifugation.
Blood DNA Isolation Kit (Magnetic Bead System)
Norgen’s Blood DNA Isolation Kit (Magnetic Bead System) is designed for the rapid preparation of genomic DNA from up to 200 µL of whole blood from various species, including human. Purification is based on magnetic beads as the separation matrix. Norgen’s magnetic beads bind DNA under optimized salt concentrations and releases the bound DNA under low salt and slightly alkali conditions. The genomic DNA is preferentially purified from other cellular proteinaceous components. Typical yields of genomic DNA will vary depending on the cell density of the blood sample. The purified genomic DNA is fully digestible with all restriction enzymes tested, and is completely compatible with downstream applications including real-time PCR, NGS and microarray analysis.
Blood DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (High Throughput Magnetic Bead System)
96-well format for high throughput applications. Purification with the 96-well plates can be integrated with a robotic automation system.
*Yield will vary depending on the type of blood processed
Storage Conditions and Product Stability All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 1 year after the date of shipment. The kit contains a ready-to-use Proteinase K, which is dissolved in a specially prepared storage buffer. The buffered Proteinase K is stable for up to 1 year after the date of shipment when stored at room temperature.
This product is designed for purification of high-molecular-weight genomic or mitochondrial DNA from a variety of tissue and culture cells. The convenient, scalable purification procedure removes contaminants and enzyme inhibitors such as proteins and divalent cation, and purified DNA is ready for immediate use in sensitive downstream applications or for archiving.
Main Functions
Isolation total DNA from tissue using economic salt out method
Cells are lysed with ananionic detergent in the presence of a DNA stabilizer. The DNA stabilizer limits the activity of intracellular DNases and also DNases found elsewhere in the environment. RNA is then removed by treatment with an RNA digesting enzyme. Other contaminants, such as proteins, are removed by salt precipitation. Finally, the genomic DNA is recovered by precipitation with alcohol and dissolved in Buffer TE. Purified DNA typically has an A260/A280 ratio between 1.7 and 1.9, and is up to 200 kb in size. The DNA can be safely stored at 2-8°C, -20°C, or -80°C.
Safe – without phenol chloroform extraction
Environment friendly – the reagents used are safe, non-toxic and without pollution
High molecular weight – the molecular weight of genomic DNA is about 50-150kb
High purity – the purified DNA has A260/280=1.8-1.9, A260/230=2.0-2.5
Unlimited sample size – solution type operation, sample volume can be adjusted at will
Cost performance – the most economical nucleic acid extraction technology
Kit Contents
Purification Times
1 g
5 g
50 g
Proteinase K
330 µl
1.8 ml
18 ml
Buffer WTL
33 ml
160 ml
2 x 800 ml
Buffer PPS
12 ml
55 ml
500 ml
RNase Solution
330 µl
1.8 ml
18 ml
Buffer TE
12 ml
60 ml
200 ml
Storage and Stability
RNase Solution should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival. However, short-term storage (up to 24 weeks) at room temperature (15-25°C) does not affect their performance. The remaining kit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15-25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions. The entire kit can be stored at 2-8°C, but in this case buffers should be redissolved before use. Make sure that all buffers are at room temperature when used.
This product is designed for purification of high-molecular-weight genomic or mitochondrial DNA from a variety of tissue and culture cells. The convenient, scalable purification procedure removes contaminants and enzyme inhibitors such as proteins and divalent cation, and purified DNA is ready for immediate use in sensitive downstream applications or for archiving.
MagPure Stool DNA Kit is specially designed for high throughput DNA extraction from stool samples. It can get high purity microbial DNA from stool samples (≤200mg). This kit is based on magnetic beads purification and unique inhibiting factors adsorption technology, no phenol-chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation. It can adsorb humic acid and other inhibiting factors in the solution efficiently. DNA can be directly used for downstream applications such as PCR, Viral DNA testing, bacterial DNA testing, etc.
Main Functions
Isolation total DNA from 100-150mg stool samples
PCR, southern blot and enzyme digestion, etc.
Purification technology
Magnetic beads technology
Process method
Manual or automatic
Sample type
Sample amount
100-150 mg
Elution volume
Time per run
This product is based on the purification method of high binding magnetic particles. The sample is lysed and digested under the action of lysate and Lysozyme. DNA is released into the lysate. After adding magnetic particles and binding solution, DNA will be adsorbed on the surface of magnetic particles, and impurities such as proteins will be removed without adsorption. The adsorbed particles were washed with washing solution to remove proteins and impurities, washed with ethanol to remove salts, and finally DNA was eluted by Elution Buffer.
Fast – several samples can be extracted in 60 minutes (after digestion)
High purity – unique adsorbent can completely remove inhibitory factors
High recovery – DNA can be recovered at the level of PG
Kit Contents
Purification Times
400 Preps
MagPure Particles N
14 ml
2ml Bead Tubes
6 g
RNase A
75 mg
Proteinase K
180 mg
Protease Dissolve Buffer
20 ml
Buffer ATL
300 ml
Buffer PCI
300 ml
Buffer MLE
180 ml
Buffer GW1*
132 ml
Elution Buffer
60 ml
Storage and Stability
MagPure Particles, RNase A and Proteinase K should be stored at 2-8°C upon arrival. However, short-term storage (up to 24 weeks) at room temperature (15-25°C) does not affect their performance. The remaining kit components can be stored dry at room temperature (15-25°C) and are stable for at least 18 months under these conditions.
MagPure Stool DNA Kit is specially designed for high throughput DNA extraction from stool samples. It can get high purity microbial DNA from stool samples (≤200mg). This kit is based on magnetic beads purification and unique inhibiting factors adsorption technology, no phenol-chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation. It can adsorb humic acid and other inhibiting factors in the solution efficiently. DNA can be directly used for downstream applications such as PCR, Viral DNA testing, bacterial DNA testing, etc.