Fluorescent Universal Human IgG/IgM Lateral Flow Serology Kit (Quantum Dots)
Antibody tests are a method of choice to determine if a person has been exposed to a pathogen or not. They are also incredibly valuable in the detection of autoantibodies that can be found in human autoimmune disorders. In this test, a biotinylated antigen (User supplied) is mixed with a biotinylated rabbit IgG (bind to goat anti rabbit control line) and sample (human sera or plasma) is simply mixed into with the specially designed assay running buffer in a well of the supplied 96-well plate, mixed and is then added to the sample port of the cassette. Generally, the reaction is complete in 10-15 minutes. It is very important to note that the relative stoichiometry between the biotinylated antigen, biotinylated rabbit IgG added, and the streptavidin gold is critical for assay optimization. The appropriate concentration of biotinylated antigen to use with strips is dependent upon the purity and sequence and a standard curve can be used to determine the relative ratio (generally between 1ng-100ng per test). A positive control line (biotin-rabbit IgG) antibody will bind to the goat anti rabbit (GAR) line on the test to ensure the assay is running appropriately.
Attogene’s Human IgG/IgM universal fluorescent lateral flow assay kit is a ready-to-use, universal test strip, which is based on the lateral flow technology that uses 655nm Emission Quantum Dot particles containing streptavidin to conveniently capture biotinylated antigens. The device is designed to easily develop qualitative or quantitative rapid test systems for detection of anti-human IgG and IgM antibody that react to the any antigen that can be biotinylated (i.e. viral antigen, autoimmune antigen) and is easily customizable providing every laboratory with the possibility to perform assay feasibility.
Formats (fluorescent broad range UV light excitation range of 300nm to 400nm, 610nm emission) Streptavidin conjugate pad):
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Product Info
Our most popular ring magnet plate. All of the features of our T480 magnet above with the added security of a cushion base For faster separations you can upgrade to the MSP500R which comes with all of the same features, just stronger magnets Like our ring magnet plates above, this plate comes in two magnet strengths. Features include solid aluminum alloy construction and hard coat anodized finish for years of trouble-free use, and compatible with any magnetic beads
Our most popular ring magnet plate. All of the features of our T480 magnet above with the added security of a cushion base For faster separations you can upgrade to the MSP500R which comes with all of the same features, just stronger magnets Like our ring magnet plates above, this plate comes in two magnet strengths. Features include solid aluminum alloy construction and hard coat anodized finish for years of trouble-free use, and compatible with any magnetic beads
Compatible with mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy
Purification is based on spin column chromatography that uses Norgen’s proprietary resin separation matrix
This kit provides a fast and simple procedure for the isolation of total proteins from tissue, bacteria, yeast or mammalian cells without the use of SDS, Triton® X-100 and other detergents. Detergents are extensively used to prepare protein samples; however, these detergents have undesirable effects on downstream analysis. These effects include extraneous peaks in mass spectrometry, artifacts with chromatography and electrophoresis, interference with microinjection into cells and interference with protein immunization.
The Detergent-Free Total Protein Isolation Kit maintains high protein recovery and yields proteins that are 100% detergent-free. Purification is based on using Norgen’s proprietary resin together with Lysis Solution, followed by protein filtration using a filter column (provided). The purified proteins can be used in a number of downstream applications including mass spectrometry, SDS-PAGE, isoelectric focusing, NMR spectroscopy and more.
Each Lysis Tube is able to process up to 50 mg of tissue, 1010 bacterial cells, 109 yeast cells or 107 mammalian cells. Preparation time for 12 samples is less than 10 minutes.
Maximum Amount Of Starting Material: Tissues Animal Cells Bacteria Yeast
50 mg 1 x 107 cells 1 x 1010 cells 1 x 109 cells
Time to Process 12 Samples
Less than 10 minutes
Storage Conditions and Product Stability The Lysis Solution should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. Once opened, the solution should be stored at 4°C. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.
Cell Culture Flask surface is very smooth based on precise molding technology and it gives clear view when examined with microscope.
Volume: 25mL75mL175mL225mL
The product is made of medical grade USP CLASS VI polymer polystyrene
The product is made under a 100,00- class dust-free manufacturing site
Two kinds of product line up are providing.
For adherent cell culture: Initial adherence and proliferative property of cells via hydrophilic surface treatment.
For suspension cell culture: The surface is resistant to cell adherence, which minimizes damage or loss of cell.
Large mouthed design makes easy operation of pipet or cell scraper. The surface of flask is uniform and smooth, hence the clear view can be obtained when microscopic observation.
The hydrophobic filter cap can prevent invasion of fungi and bacteria without water absorb.
Gamma radiation sterilization
Non-Pyrogenic, DNase/Rnase free.
Cell Culture Flask surface is very smooth based on precise molding technology and it gives clear view when examined with microscope.