Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres For Lateral Flow


Europium Chelate Microspheres Nanoparticle Streptavidin Conjugate for Lateral Flow

Our Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres conjugate is manufactured using special conjugation technology and functonally tested by lateral flow. We have coated our high quality nanoparticles with a proprietary surface coat that covalently binds the biotin forming ultra stable conjugates. The resulting Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres can irreversibly bind biotin.


  • Ready to Use  Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres
  • Specifically Designed Running Buffer


Europium Chelate Microspheres Nanoparticle Streptavidin Conjugate for Lateral Flow

Our Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres conjugate is manufactured using special conjugation technology and functonally tested by lateral flow. We have coated our high quality nanoparticles with a proprietary surface coat that covalently binds the biotin forming ultra stable conjugates. The resulting Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres  can irreversibly bind biotin.

Europium dyed polystyrene beads conjugated to streptavidin

250ul of a 1mg/ml stock ready to use for Lateral Flow

50mL Lateral FLow Running Buffer designed for Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres 

Inquire for Larger Volumes:

Excitation max: 365nm
Emission max: 610nm

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