DNA amplification in a flexible liquid format. Contains all the enzymes and reagents necessary for the amplification of DNA, the user need only supply primers, dNTPs and template. See manual for more information. Click to order oligonucleotides.
DNA amplification in a flexible liquid format. Contains all the enzymes and reagents necessary for the amplification of DNA, the user need only supply primers, dNTPs and template. See manual for more information. Click to order oligonucleotides.
Perfect for:
• End-point gel electrophoresis DNA detection • down-stream applications (e.g. sub-cloning) • facilitating use of different RPA reaction volumes, or variation of component ratios.
This fast screening test kit contains 10 tests with everything needed for accurate results of unsafe lead levels in the field.
This is a revolutionary product designed to make Lead testing in water safe, easy, and affordable. This fast screening test kit contains 10 tests with everything needed for accurate results of unsafe lead levels. With reliable results in only 10 minutes, this test kit clearly gives results confirming Lead in water and conforming to the EPA guideline of 15 ppb (µg/L). The kit can test water quality from various sources including faucets, wells (ground water), and home purification systems.
High Blood lead levels (i.e., greater than 700ppb) can cause serious health effects, including seizure, coma, and death. Blood levels as low as 100ppb have been associated with adverse effects on cognitive development, growth, and behavior among children aged 1-5 years.
Sample method:
1. Take a first-draw sample
Immediately after opening a faucet or valve, collect a 250 mL sample. This sample should be from each tap used for consumption.
2. Take a flush sample
If first-draw sample results show elevated lead levels of 5 ppb or higher, collect a flush sample. To do this, ensure water has not been used for between 8 to 18 hours, then collect the sample at 30 seconds.
3. Take sequential samples
If you want to test a lead service line, collect 8 to 10 sequential samples, depending on how far the line is from the tap.
Propargyl-PEG2-t-butyl ester is a PEG linker that enables Click Chemistry reactions with azide-bearing compounds or biomolecules; copper will be required for catalyzation. Under acidic conditions, the t-butyl group can be removed. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Propargyl-PEG2-t-butyl ester is a PEG linker that enables Click Chemistry reactions with azide-bearing compounds or biomolecules; copper will be required for catalyzation. Under acidic conditions, the t-butyl group can be removed. Reagent grade, for research purpose. Please contact us for GMP-grade inquiries.
Tyrosinase Inhibitor Screening Kit (Colorimetric) provides a rapid, simple, sensitive, and reliable test suitable for high-throughput screening of tyrosinase inhibitors. Tyrosinase catalyzes the oxidation of tyrosine, producing a chromophore that can be detected at OD = 510 nm. In the presence of kojic Acid, a reversible inhibitor of tyrosinase, the rate of oxidation of the substrate is decreased.
Tyrosinase or polyphenol oxidase is an oxidoreductase that participates in the biosynthesis of melanin, a ubiquitous biological pigment found in hair, eyes, skin, etc. Inhibition of tyrosinase has been a long-time target in the skin health research, cosmetics and agricultural industries because of its role in browning reactions in skin pigmentation and during fruit harvesting and handling.
For rapid, sensitive and accurate screening of potential Tyrosinase inhibitors