Europium Chelate Microspheres Nanoparticle Streptavidin Conjugate for Lateral Flow
Our Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres conjugate is manufactured using special conjugation technology and functonally tested by lateral flow. We have coated our high quality nanoparticles with a proprietary surface coat that covalently binds the biotin forming ultra stable conjugates. The resulting Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres can irreversibly bind biotin.
Europium dyed polystyrene beads conjugated to streptavidin
250ul of a 1mg/ml stock ready to use for Lateral Flow
50mL Lateral FLow Running Buffer designed for Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres
Inquire for Larger Volumes:
Excitation max: 365nm
Emission max: 610nm
Europium Chelate Microspheres Nanoparticle Streptavidin Conjugate for Lateral Flow
Our Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres conjugate is manufactured using special conjugation technology and functonally tested by lateral flow. We have coated our high quality nanoparticles with a proprietary surface coat that covalently binds the biotin forming ultra stable conjugates. The resulting Streptavidin Europium Chelate Microspheres can irreversibly bind biotin.
Our SNPsig® kits use our own proprietary genotyping method to enable the identification of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. These products can be used on any real-time PCR machine using familiar protocols, whilst resulting in exceptional genotyping data.
Positive control templates for wild-type and variants are supplied in every kit to make data interpretation simple.
Our SNPsig® technology provides an alternative to sequencing as well as S gene target failure (SGTF) that enables scientists to analyse and monitor these specific genomic mutations. Our kits can provide a pivotal role in screening for SARS-CoV-2 variants for the purpose of genomic surveillance and studies.
For the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 (E484K)
Rapid detection of specific detection profiles
High priming efficiency
Sensitive to < 100 copies of target
Positive copy number standard curve for quantification
Accurate controls to confirm findings
96 reactions, includes master mix
Ultrapure dUTP (2´-Deoxyuridine, 5´-Triphosphate) supplied as sodium salt in purified water (pH 8.5). dUTP can be used in place of dTTP in PCR and RT-PCR protocols to prevent carryover from previous amplifications. The substitution of dUTP for dTTP in PCR results in uracil-containing PCR products that are suitable for most standard applications. The enzyme uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG, also referred to as UDG) can be added to a PCR premix to excise uracil from any contaminating PCR product, thereby preventing false positives. Each lot of dUTP is tested to ensure specific DNA amplification and the absence of nuclease activity.
-20°C for 36 months
Ultrapure dUTP (2´-Deoxyuridine, 5´-Triphosphate) supplied as sodium salt in purified water (pH 8.5). dUTP can be used in place of dTTP in PCR and RT-PCR protocols to prevent carryover from previous amplifications. The substitution of dUTP for dTTP in PCR results in uracil-containing PCR products that are suitable for most standard applications. The enzyme uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG, also referred to as UDG) can be added to a PCR premix to excise uracil from any contaminating PCR product, thereby preventing false positives. Each lot of dUTP is tested to ensure specific DNA amplification and the absence of nuclease activity.
83, On-nut 88/2 Prawet Sub-district, Prawet District, Bangkok, 10250, Thailand
Tel : 081-875-1869 , 02-328-7179
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